Bill i will help with way back in the day.. or atleast when I first started heh... I think Chris was at his best then... and beghin<br>look for a beghin pic that won a contest with 2 olimpic ice skaters faces... thats my fav psc pic ever<br><br><br><br>here are some others

<br>.<br>.<br> mozub<br> mozub<br> mozub<br> mozub<br> basil<br> nancers<br> metalic (best contest ever.) for me heh<br> basil (my fav post of my own)<br> bluefist..."he drew all that sh*t"<br> bluefist<br> Chris-pissy<br> pissy-chrissy (chrispis

)<br> piss chris.... choppers source got over used<br> Piss n chrissin<br> Poooking (dewking)<br> CHRISPIS (this was my wallpaper for 6 months)<br> Metalic (woot he is the best evar)<br> Hellekro.. only the best pic ever.. too bad its a red X