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Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:15 am Reply with quote
The US is the best country for Americans, but how exactly is it the best country in the world? On what do you base this far-reaching assumption?
Location: Argentina
Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:19 am Reply with quote
I guess freedom doesn´t mean doing whatever the hell you want to do... Respect enters the equation. And individualism has taken us where we are. We don´t think in the others, we think only about ourselves... <br>I know why my country is like it is, and I know we are (at least I am) trying hard to make it better, but without messing with others. There´s plenty of poor and weak countries in South America, and Argentina is one of the richests and more powerful of them. I just wouldn´t like the idea of taking advantage of Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, etc to be better. That´s all.<br>
Location: Sacramento Ca. USA
Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:53 am Reply with quote
<I>” On what do you base this far-reaching assumption?”</I><br><br>Yoda the problem here is we Americas see the rest of the world always wanting something from us. Money, protection, etc. Then we are also being flooded by people wanting to come here and be Americans. So we must be the best right? There’s also a little matter of National pride, which most everybody has no matter what their country does.<br><br>And remember this thread was started with a direct insult to the American people.<br><br>
Location: Argentina
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:05 pm Reply with quote
Yes. I say, finish this thread, because agression leads nowhere (or to more agression), and I don´t think nobody can convince nobody about nothing...<br>  <br><br>Love and Peace...<br>
Location: Sacramento Ca. USA
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:15 pm Reply with quote
p@u..i think I love you Yoda we may not be the US is not the entire UN peacekeeping force but we do carry the weight<br><br>and Oh yea… screw you too..LOL<br>
Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:18 pm Reply with quote
With the largest and most advanced military force in the world, you should, ...snotface. <u>LOL</u>
Location: Argentina
Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Thanx tj, I love you too. I love you all. =)<br>And yodav, I said agression leads to nothing or to more agression, not discussion. Anyway, you are right.<br><br><img src=>
Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:36 pm Reply with quote
If we discuss, we can understand, and if we understand, we can forego aggression is what I meant.<br>I should have been more clear you dumb Argentinian. (joking)
Location: Argentina
Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:12 pm Reply with quote
The total number of murders in Canada in 2003 was 548, 34 fewer than in 2002. <br><br>Murder was the only violent crime in the USA that increased in 2003, with the 16,503 slayings reported by police to the FBI representing a 1.7 percent hike from the year before.<br><br>I looked a number for my country and couldn´t find it. But I´m more concerned about children dying of malnutrition here rather than murders. In your countries you can just pay attention to murders.<br><br>Canada looks like a place to live! I have a friend living there, and another going to a 3 month scholarship... <br>
Location: Argentina
Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:05 pm Reply with quote
LOL!!!!<br>Here we are entering the warm spring...<br><br>You are welcome to visit us and get rid of the snow...<br>=)<br><br>
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