Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Am I wrong to use someone's pic on this forum? - This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:34 pm Reply with quote
I didn't think of NO.
I used to live on Bourbon St, in Phoenix...
that story and Bourbon St. just seemed like a natural.
Bourbon St. was a very very very bad place.............
but all the low-riders were pretty cool.
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Location: Planet Earth
Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:41 pm Reply with quote
swooning....Oh, Tonto, luv your accent, take me to your teepee.
btw...did you notice that MickeyinSA aka The Mouse aka (take your pick) is in the rising star standing box on the home page? Irony is funny.
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:43 pm Reply with quote
"I only have an 9th grade education , and I did not finish high School why can't I cut corners? Not that I will any more,"
Not much of an excuse, I'm only in 11th...
you want to trade? two years is a big deal to me, would you like to teach a 2nd grader PS when you can just teach a 4th grader?"
thats another bad excuse. I didnt learn Photoshop in school, or from anyone else. Everything I do is self-taught, so the only reason you couldn't be as good as me or anyone else is if you didn't train yourself in it. In fact, the way you judge how skilled one should be means you SHOULD be better than me, Considering your older than me. lol
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
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Location: Planet Earth
Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:53 pm Reply with quote
No bickering, kids
Mon Dec 19, 2005 7:55 pm Reply with quote
disregard this post here.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:00 pm Reply with quote
MickeyInSa wrote: Lrossa wrote: If your using another person's chop from PSC for a contest that they have already worked hard on, then yes that is wrong and should not be done.
I can see your point,
Quote: Does that explain it for your overly curious mind?
yes it does . but after reading your sarcastic remark ? now I am curious to know when was the last time you got laid? and are you Bi or curios also. 
dude what you said is fucking lame....i think you owe lrossa an apology.
_________________ Starfish should rule the world
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:06 pm Reply with quote
MickeyInSa wrote: Trust me Pissing folks off comes naturally, I don't do it on purpose. and i am not proud of that fact. why would I want to get banned? I just think many folks don't eat enough fiber
and they just don't have any room in thier lives for sarcasium, or either they haven't been laid since gas was 1.07 a gallon 
yeah but you're a noob....if i were you i would tone it down a bit until you've got yer feet wet in here.
you're certainly not going to make any friends if you keep up w/ the lame comments.
just my 2 cents
_________________ Starfish should rule the world
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:31 pm Reply with quote
I want to thank FeralHamster for stirring things up on a Monday night.
It has been the greatest. Thank You!
Location: Oregon
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:36 pm Reply with quote
Yeah!!! Make that 800 push-ups!
_________________ Due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophagus,
even if it could speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna.
- Cliff Clavin
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Location: Planet Earth
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:44 pm Reply with quote
HEY, this was my excuse not to "go shopping" and it's Fearall Hamster???? No way!
_________________ If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance!
thank u Tawiskaro
Location: Santa Barbara, CA
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:48 pm Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: I want to thank FeralHamster for stirring things up on a Monday night.
It has been the greatest. Thank You!
what i get no credit at ALL!
_________________ Starfish should rule the world
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:51 pm Reply with quote
Incredible for a Monday.. keep raissing hell kids 
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:56 pm Reply with quote
Holy Shit.
I actually just read THIS WHOLE (or should I say HOLE?) frickin' thread!
It started out funny but quickly became a Very Long Thread.
And, as I just mentioned above, I have just read it all.
Someone KILL ME, for I have sucked on the Lame Bored Old Man Stick once too often...

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Am I wrong to use someone's pic on this forum? - This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.
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