sometimes... Less is more
With space themes. I like to have an actual theme or a story...
Two that I've done outside of PSC
The hand and planet are obvious outside sources... the Nebula, was created entirely in photoshop.
Using regular brushes and a ton of smudging and blending using several layers set at different opacity
This one's one of my favorites. Here, the only outside source is the ship. The rest, including the planet was made in photoshop.
I've since done other space themes, but this was around 3-4 years ago when I was trying this stuff out. There are plenty of things I'd like to re-do in both... But for this thread, what I'm trying to show is sufficient.
If you have time, browse through my portfolio here, I've got a lot of space images. Most are done entirely in PS and are all sources.
one more I did for this place
Asteroid 3.141592653589
Here the planet and the asteroid were both built using the original source image, the rest is photoshop.
There are plenty of tutorials out there for doing Nebula's and Space images. I don't want to say yours is bad, but of the stuff you've showed us to date, this isn't that great. Looks like you used MS paint and didn't take any care to make anything other than blobs on a page using the track pad on your laptop. OR preset nebula brushes from DA and overlapped them using different colors. Find some of those tutorials and try out their suggestions. Some actually have you make your own brushes. Not a preset cookie cutter, this looks like the crab nebula ones... but actual brushes where you have to paint the nebula into shape. Using *gasp* your own imagination! I use some of those brushes to this day for other things like smoke and fog. Or when I'm in the mood to spend hours and hours on a space image.
One thing I LOVE about space images, is it allows you to use your imagination to build a story. Space is vast. Space can be dark and empty, BUT space can also be beautiful. The only limit, your imagination.