cringer8 wrote:
People are saying "if winning is important, then just leave." How retarded. Maybe we should change the site name to and get rid of voting altogether.
This is a COMPETITION site. Forgive me and others for being competitive here. Maybe the downfall of this site came about because the majority of people left here aren't taking it seriously.
Maybe those people are the ones who need to leave. Go chop your own shit and post it on Facebook for your friends. The nonchalant attitude around here is ruining contests. Some people are content to hang out with their small group of friends here and fart around. Those people don't realize that it isn't helping to grow the site. If the site isn't growing, it's dying and their precious hangout will be gone forever.
I agree, Sean, that the best image wins 9 out of 10 times. But the winner isn't the problem. It's new people coming, trying, and then leaving because their work is being ignored in favor of shittier work (both idea and execution), simply because we have too many people here throwing their "buddies" a bone in hopes of a return vote or God knows what. I've seen your voting patterns, and you are certainly not the problem here.
I also realize that the ownership is absent and nothing will change, but it doesn't hurt to talk about it and maybe come up with a better system. Who knows, the site might be sold tomorrow and the new owner might want to change things up. Wouldn't it be nice to have a well thought out and thoroughly discussed system ready to go?
And Anfa, your worries would only come true if you were the ONLY person with a high PScore to vote in the contest. Hardly anyone has a score of 100, so no vote would be worth even two votes. Just around 1.5. That won't kill your chances.
This site could be so much better if people stopped treating it like the Special Olympics and started getting serious. This whole nonsense of "winning isn't important" was clearly started by people who can't win. Those people would like to make you and me feel bad for wanting to win, but that's bullshit. It's loser talk and it needs to go, along with those people.
If we can't change the system, maybe we need to change our attitudes and take the voting more seriously.
Damn! thats the right attitude! "who want to interest, must provoke." -salvadore dali
...and so i dont think you can call this agressive or offensive!
the problem is, we've discussed this topic 132842times and nothing has changed. arc tried it, starman tried, shaman tried, I tried ...and so on! this site will never be a seriously competition site. the only seriously competition here is called: H2H! (anonymous vote-system --> no friendly votes, nice sources, great structured, constructive critizsm)
But wheres the problem?... people searching other contest-sites for real competitons and come back to this place for having fun and to upload just for fun some crapy entries (nobody cares).
Im also agree with that, what shaman said! (love the way you explain things!!!) this page is perfectly for photoshopbeginners.
I've learned so much here about this fuckin programm! use masks, shading, reflections, create textures.... but there is just one thing you cant learn, and thats the point: AMBITION