Howdy -
Once you get this you go D'OH! as it is really easy.
Lemme help!
1) select the colour bits you want to change
(use SELECTION=>COLOR RANGE, it is a good thing for stuff like cars and objects with solid colours)
2) use the Hue Saturation thang (IMAGE=>ADJUSTMENTS=>Hue Saturation), using the hue slider you can dial up whatever colour you want.
The example below took me (literally) less than a minute to do (the pros here will probably notice that

If you want different bits in different colours, just mask off one section of the object and use a separate colour shift for each section.
If you want REAL control, learn to use the
Adjustment Layers (that little button at the bottom of the LAYERS pallette that looks like a bad Yin-Yang symbol

)... they allow you to totally control colours and the shift is NOT permanent and you can change and update it at any time.
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!