In our culture, designers, artists, etc. create images & express ideas & emotions through a visual vocabulary. Unless an effort to invent new shapes is made, we tend to restate that which is familiar, and as a result, their visual impact tends to be limited unless fresh insights are provided.
Assignment: Produce 10 shapes that are content based. Use abstract ideas, emotions and/or concepts that are descriptive in a physical sense. These shapes should be inventive & non-imitative.
(The teacher also likes the idea of shapes that implies a sense of motion.)
The images will eventually be made using black construction paper and X-acto knife. So they will be black and white.
whew!...that's the edited version.
This is my daughter's first art assignment. I've made a few suggestions but seem stumped myself. I asked if she'd like me to pose this assignment here for some ideas and she said she'd love that.
So...all ideas are welcome and appreciated. I do not expect anyone to "do" this assignment "for" her.