(this is in regards to many threads that start out with a seemingly "NEW" member asking kinda weird questions about our beloved Photoshop)
I have an idea for SPAM- PEOPLE checking:
So, a definite NEWBIE account starts a brand new thread and asks a Photoshop question, one that might seem weird or a bit off. No one has heard of NEWBIE before. Might be spam. Might be Newbie.
So, the FIRST PERSON who responds (that person being a legitimate member here) asks the supspect NEwbie a question. Something like "tell me the platform/software version/etc" and then (THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART) NO ONE ELSE RESPOND TO THE THREAD.
If the original poster answers that first question even slightly intelligently, we can proceed with the thread. IF THEY DO NOT then DON'T ADD ANY MORE TO THE THREAD.
My experience here is a lot of "new" people ask for help, then a lot of us repond with lots of helpful stuff. And usually you NEVER hear from the original poster again. A) because they are most likely a Spammer B) because they have no real interest in staying around and being part of our actual community.
This is my idea. I think it might help with this "problem".

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!