Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Voting - On comments - Reply to topic
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Location: Australia
Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:33 am Reply with quote
Ok I'm a little confused. There has been all this talk about votes and contest entries and how there is no constructive criticism and this and that. So a few of us said in chat that, yep there right and we went out and started voting again and leaving good solid comments and criticisms. Yeah got a few PMs about what would I know and stuff but that's fine I know not to comment on there entries again no problem. What I don't understand is we take the time out to make a comment and maybe offer some help, and it gets ignored. Now I'm not saying ignored as in the advice was not taken and the imaged changed, thats up to you but a simple "thanks", "Yeah I see what you mean" or even a "thanks but I disagree".
We take the time out to look and view and in some cases offer good advice on your image, the least you can do is acknowledge that fact. Like many here Im getting a little sick on seeing nothing but "..." on peoples entries or easy responses. This use to be a good place to learn and some of the best advice I received here was in the comments on my entry. If you don't want comments or advice then a simple pm asking people not to comment again for what ever reason is fair as well.
So lets start looking and commenting on peoples images, even a "well done" or a "nice job" is better than "..."
Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:47 am Reply with quote
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:15 am Reply with quote
I totally agree Blue!!  I leave a comment on most every vote I post, and I like it when people do the same to mine weather it be good or bad. Another viewpoint on an image can catch something the creator may have not noticed. or just a "good job" on something that may not be great but a good image. Or a constructive criticism to help em for the next time. Just a vote is just that. Just a vote! 
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:21 am Reply with quote
the main reason why I did not change my entries after getting a comment was, that I had deleted the ps-file already. but I tried to integrate the advices on the next entries.
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:21 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: Ok I'm a little confused. There has been all this talk about votes and contest entries and how there is no constructive criticism and this and that. So a few of us said in chat that, yep there right and we went out and started voting again and leaving good solid comments and criticisms. Yeah got a few PMs about what would I know and stuff but that's fine I know not to comment on there entries again no problem. What I don't understand is we take the time out to make a comment and maybe offer some help, and it gets ignored. Now I'm not saying ignored as in the advice was not taken and the imaged changed, thats up to you but a simple "thanks", "Yeah I see what you mean" or even a "thanks but I disagree".
We take the time out to look and view and in some cases offer good advice on your image, the least you can do is acknowledge that fact. Like many here Im getting a little sick on seeing nothing but "..." on peoples entries or easy responses. This use to be a good place to learn and some of the best advice I received here was in the comments on my entry. If you don't want comments or advice then a simple pm asking people not to comment again for what ever reason is fair as well.
So lets start looking and commenting on peoples images, even a "well done" or a "nice job" is better than "..."
I agree with you. I don't always have time to write comments but try. however I find I only comment on the ones I vote for as I find when I just leave a comment, it can be taken as if I'm having a go, which I'm not, I just in my humble way, am giving my view on what can be done to improve the image.
anyway I like the idea of those who don't want any constructive crititsm to say so, then I and others can give advice on those who want it because they want to improve.
by the way, I aprereciate any feedback whether its a vote or just a comment because it helps me improve and see things from anther point of view 
Location: New Orleans
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:25 am Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor and Big Buck, among others, have given me excellent advice. Cartoon Contractor and at least one other person showed me what they meant by editing an image for me. I didn't update using those images because I felt that would be cheating. I jump around the Advantage Calendar depending on what strikes my fancy. That makes my learning curve out of sequence. Being self-taught my skills have gaps. I've been working on tutorials and  bought a book Cartoon Contractor suggested  I didn't realize just how powerful Photoshop is and thought it was silly when friends suggested I take a course to learn how to use it. No more  I'm still using my old chopping program when my brain gets full though I do try to use what I learn as I go in that medium. I even posted a pic and asked for comments. That brought to mind 'how do I know what I don't know  !' and gave me very helpful perspective. My job doesn't involve chopping but the kids I teach love learning what I do know. The other teachers actually depend on my general computer knowledge because our IT person is always so overwhelmed by the demands of her job. That makes me laugh as they really have no idea what a novice I am!  I hope that along the way my improved skills will be noticable in my entries. As an example, you might notice that my gifs don't jump around the page any more.  I do take suggestions to heart. I hope I'm not taxing any PSC member's patience with the slowness of my pace. Thank you blue_lurker and please keep the comments coming 
_________________ buckie74
Location: Australia
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:30 am Reply with quote
I don't upgrade my images either, I don't like to, but its not about changing the image but more about acknowledging the person that took the time out to comment or critique your work.
I know some people have thin skins here and take any advice in a very negative way, so next time you just don't leave a critique its no big problem, but it is nice to have some one respond to the comments left. Yep we don't all have time to comment but every now and then makes PSC a better place to learn. 
Location: New Orleans
Sat Jun 06, 2009 8:41 am Reply with quote
I have pm-ed some people and used the comment section as well. I don't IM or chat so I didn't realize how much goes on behind the scenes. I'll update my PSC manners 
_________________ buckie74
Location: Australia
Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:01 am Reply with quote
Yeah, I'm pretty glad for all the comments, advice, PMs etc that I got when I first joined here. All this was invaluable to me. Also, (as Blue and others know) some of us will get friends to cast a critical eye over an entry before posting it. I'll often get Eve, Andy, Blurks, Sean or someone to have a squiz at an entry before I post it. Sometimes it's easy to overlook a little detail. And of course, I've got to see quite a few entries from people before they posted theirs.
Location: VeniceFlaUS
Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:45 am Reply with quote
blue_lurker wrote: Ok I'm a little confused. There has been all this talk about votes and contest entries and how there is no constructive criticism and this and that.
No there hasn't. there's been a short period of no whining, and bitching about votes, and comments.
People have been posting, and just playing the game. The way it should be.
The h2h with JerryHami pulling upset after upset caused a fresh breeze of anticipation, and competition.
In fact I've been voting, and commenting, and enjoying the contests again for the first time in about year.
Don't imagine that what you guys share in PM among a few of the same old grouches is what everyone else is experiencing.
Better yet. Keep that all in PM.
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:58 am Reply with quote
bigbuck wrote: Yeah, I'm pretty glad for all the comments, advice, PMs etc that I got when I first joined here. All this was invaluable to me. Also, (as Blue and others know) some of us will get friends to cast a critical eye over an entry before posting it. I'll often get Eve, Andy, Blurks, Sean or someone to have a squiz at an entry before I post it. Sometimes it's easy to overlook a little detail. And of course, I've got to see quite a few entries from people before they posted theirs.
Thats a great idea of having someone look at your entry before posting! The only one that looks at mine is my wife and she really doesn't give a damn!  Anyone interested in viewing mine before I post?  It's not like I post much. I don't have much time for choppin anyway! 
Location: Las Vegas Baby!
Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:10 am Reply with quote
Maybe some people are shy or have language issues? I think others might be under the radar. There are people with hundreds of pictures at psc who never say a word. They are like ninjas. They chop, Sneak in, Vote for a few pictures and sneak out. Just like the wind.
_________________ chop chop
Location: Australia
Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:10 am Reply with quote
ScionShade wrote: blue_lurker wrote: Ok I'm a little confused. There has been all this talk about votes and contest entries and how there is no constructive criticism and this and that.
No there hasn't. there's been a short period of no whining, and bitching about votes, and comments.
People have been posting, and just playing the game. The way it should be.
The h2h with JerryHami pulling upset after upset caused a fresh breeze of anticipation, and competition.
In fact I've been voting, and commenting, and enjoying the contests again for the first time in about year.
Don't imagine that what you guys share in PM among a few of the same old grouches is what everyone else is experiencing.
Better yet. Keep that all in PM.
Come on Shadey I just checked the last 7 contests and cant find a vote or a comment from you. You cant just take one sentence and make such a negative argument, but then thats what you are good at of late. Not sure what the PM argument is all about but then you have some strange ideas about me. This was not a bitch it was an honest statement about responding to comments left for no other reason but to help.
Sorry folks for the rant I hope we can just keep this one thread on target. Joe you are entitled to your opinion but you need to explain yourself much better.
Location: Belgium
Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:21 am Reply with quote
i know what ya mean,but i'll never update my is as it is...however i'm always curious bout the comments and if i have the time (what's very litlle)
i will try out what they say in their comments, cause i'm still in a learning fase, i said i have litlle time to chop cause i work all the time....(doesn't mean i don't think bout the comment's next time i chop) 
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