Yes, thank you, Nancers, for putting this survey together. Thank you Procyon and Mods and Developers for hearing us out. Yes, please do continue to weigh the projected impact on the site for any changes and not on any one individual who may or may not have taken the survey.
Now my $1.57 worth of 2¢:
*separate issue from the quality of sources debate*
I would really like to try a user-selectable Advantage calendar. Keep it at 30 days max, but allow users to have a setting in their profile for how many sources they see at a time. Yes, the pressure to chop more quickly would be somewhat artificial, but I think the popularity of such a feature would catch on. People can experiment with challenging themselves. People who still want to look at a whole month ahead may still do so. People who only want a week of sources can narrow their focus. Anyone who wants just 2 days or needs 2 weeks can have it. Feel like turning off the Advantage calendar and challenging yourself with an 8:00 start? Go for it! People can put in their author's notes what setting they use for Advantage, if they want everyone to know it was a "quick chop" or not. Perhaps even a little tag on the user's entry can show how early that source became available to that user or when it was first downloaded or something. Heck, perhaps the user settings can be tracked over time and the stats added to the site. I think that would be interesting.
In addition to trying such a user-selectable setting, I (and a bunch of other people) would like to see site-wide quick-chop days, maybe once every other week, where the source is not available to anyone before 8am. (Grefix said such a feature might already be in the works.) I would also like to see "universal Advantage" days where the source is posted publicly for EVERYONE to get, say, 2 weeks in advance. Such days may even help to sell Advantage memberships. I think as the site grows and diversifies, that variety is the way to go for keeping the most people interested the longest. One size does not fit all.
Okay, *gets umbrella out for firestorm of why a user-selectable setting is such a terrible idea* I doubt there are many arguments I haven't thought of. I just don't agree with them so far.

Like anything else on this site, any change can be UNdone if it proves less popular or more problematic than anticipated.
EDIT: I WOULD like to hear other opinions about this idea... Didn't mean to discourage that, if I did.