I would like to propose that we put our PSC brains to a good use around here. Or at least try to.
While I realize our 'Head to Head' efforts, daily chopping contests, and poking fun at each other is great fun. We as a community have a great opportunity right now, to use our skills to help others around the world. That is by increasing their awareness through a multi-lingual graphic design campaign that might actually save a life or two.
What I propose is for those interested, to create a series of posters and desktop wallpapers that draw public attention to the existence and prevention of
the emerging human to human Swine Flu outbreak.
Participation is simple. Place your designs into this thread. Make what you do a public domain work so that anyone can print or use them at their work place, school, or on the internet. Then spread the word of yours, and others work here, by out linking to as many interested blogs or news sources as you wish.
Make sure to give a reference to PSC in your design so we get some viral attention
(very bad pun) back to our work here. An example text line would be; "A PUBLIC AWARENESS POSTER FROM PHOTOSHOPCONTEST.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SWINE FLU GO TO
http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/habits.htm "
To get this thing rolling, here's one I did this morning.
Here's are links to
a 600x848 copy (104kb) ---
a 989x1400 copy (1.5mb) and a link to ---
a 2480x3570 full size for print copy (11.2mb).
I really think if we do this, our PSC Swine Flu Poster Campaign will be fun to contribute to, and very challenging to spread about the net.
Let's do some good and get the word out.