izzy999 wrote:
I was asked to do some posters for an event coming up and I really want to use gobbles from south park but after I started thinking about it I wondered if I legally could. So I guess my question is when it comes to photoshopping or whatever can u use that kinda stuff and it be legal? You know... copyrighting laws and what not....
Oh dear.
You are gonna need a lawyer for this one, I think.
But I'll give you THIS sage advice, which I learned by kicking around this old mudball for over 50 years:
"it isn't falling out of a plane that kills you,
it is that sudden STOP at the end that kills you."
So - roughly translated to apply to this situation: Using other people's image in your own artwork won't get you in trouble. Getting CAUGHT using other people's artwork could bring you some grief.
Okay. I'll sit here with you until the lawyers come. Stop shaking. You'll be okay once they wipe your mind.

the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!