Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - Ages/Backgrounds of Members? - Reply to topic
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Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:32 am Reply with quote
I just joined this site after taking a 12 week photoshop class at my high school. I am 16 years old and only have those 12 weeks of experience. I came here because I enjoy photoshop a lot and would like to learn more and this seems like a lovely website so far
So because i am curious i would like to ask some simple questions to get an idea about other people on this site.
What's your age? I am 16
General Background/experience in photoshop? 12 weeks at my high school
How long have you been using this site/how many contests have you entered? 1 day and 0 contests
Also one more question, i noticed you guys do prize contests as well, I'm just curious where does that money come from and can anyone tell me that they've actually won one and received the money?
Thanks for your time, hope to stay here for a long time and learn a lot from everyone else 
Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:09 pm Reply with quote
TheShroomMonger wrote: I just joined this site after taking a 12 week photoshop class at my high school. I am 16 years old and only have those 12 weeks of experience. I came here because I enjoy photoshop a lot and would like to learn more and this seems like a lovely website so far
So because i am curious i would like to ask some simple questions to get an idea about other people on this site.
What's your age? I am 16
General Background/experience in photoshop? 12 weeks at my high school
How long have you been using this site/how many contests have you entered? 1 day and 0 contests
Also one more question, i noticed you guys do prize contests as well, I'm just curious where does that money come from and can anyone tell me that they've actually won one and received the money?
Thanks for your time, hope to stay here for a long time and learn a lot from everyone else 
The people on here range in ages from teens to probably 60s I think......there may be a few older.
I have about 9 to 10 years of playing with PS, been here at this site since 2003.....rarely post anymore, but still enjoy it when I do. I think I've entered over 180 contests, won around 20, not to mention H2H entries. Havent entered prized contests in several years. Oh yeah, and I'm 34 now...but started here aroung age 25
I believe the money comes from several places....some from under the cushions on various member's couches, some from bluelurker's midget strippers, some from change collected from that fountain at the mall, and some from recycling beer cans....probably some others sources as well.
Location: Florida
Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Hi ShroomMonger. May I call you ShroomMonger? SM? SM.
I'm 23, but I was near your age when I showed up here also. I went to a technical school in High School with a teacher that showed up high and let us do whatever we wanted. So I entered contests here and the people have been great.
So I guess you can say that I've worked with photoshop for (counts on fingers, checks join date) about six years, which is the length of time I've been here. Before that I played with MS paint and PaintShopPro7 making characters for storyboards.
My profile says that I have 106 entries. I don't know if that counts tournament entries. Oh well.
I've never won a prize contest. Thanks for that.
Welcome to PSC. Good luck trying to back down now, Let's see what you've got. 
Location: Belgium
Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:47 pm Reply with quote
Welcome, if you live in the UK, look out for Sir Anfa and his pants.
Goodluck here
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:57 pm Reply with quote
I am 39
Pretty much learned how to photoshop by competing/learning at this site.
Joined: Sept 1, 2005 / Entries Posted: 771
I used to do every single contest no matter if I thought it was good or not...
Now I do about 1 or 2 a month. As time permits.
Don't get your hopes up about prize contests just yet. Get your feet wet in a regular contest where people can help you out.
Prize contests are anon and usually, not very many votes are thrown about.
Good luck & welcome.
Location: California
Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:45 pm Reply with quote
Also to keep things in order you should know that some people in these contest have paid membership which gives them the originals 30 days ahead of non paid members. So you don't think that some works of art here were done the same day as original released. Ages do vary amongst those who throw there works out there for judging. But i will tell you this the more you play here the more you will learn about PS. From yourself and from others.
I suggest you look through the galleries up in the list just below the title of this and start up page. When you do look at the original and what they accomplished with them.
That's all, return to your work! There's no reason to be hanging around here! 
Location: Albany, NY
Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:39 pm Reply with quote
I am 23, turning 24 in a month. I have dabbled with GIMP from time to time, and PaintShop Pro in middle/high school. I just joined this site very recently to start doing some more in depth work. I have submitted five entries so far. In my brief time here I have found that you will often find constructive criticism from other members regarding the execution of your work as well as the concept. It's a great place to do some learning. I'll have Photoshop Elements in the near future, and I'm looking forward to learning more with that software.
Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:52 am Reply with quote
If you want to earn some money here you can make 200$ a month but only if you can beat competitors from all over the world 4 times a month. But if you are that kind of talent you probably would be breastfeed by some multi corporation till now
But if you seek for experience and skills you can get real rich in those things here. As many nice things this place is highly addictive too, so enjoy your free time while it lasts
Welcome and let us see some work!
I'm 34, Joined: 04 Aug 2010
Location: Indiana, PA
Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:24 am Reply with quote
Im 27. I have been coming here for almost a year now. I went to art school for a semester when I was 18, and took an intro to computer graphics class, which had a section on photoshop. I really have learned more about Photoshop from just playing around, getting tips, and more recently from this site. Have fun, you have stumbled onto a cool little community here.
Cartoon Contractor
Location: I was here. Now I'm not!
Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:04 am Reply with quote
My member is the same age as I am.  I've been here since late 2007. Love this site and most of the people here. There is a lot to learn if you want to. A lot of great competition. So don't think you'll waltz in here and just whoop everybody's ass. Good luck and we look forward to see what kinda talent you have. So STFUAC! 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:14 am Reply with quote
Cartoon Contractor wrote: My member is the same age as I am.
Standard equipment not one of those surgical add ons. Good to know. 
Location: Independent Scotland
Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:14 am Reply with quote
I have shares in a Peruvian gold mine I can let you have at a knockdown price !
Jeebus !! 
Location: Australia
Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:30 am Reply with quote
TheShroomMonger wrote: I just joined this site after taking a 12 week photoshop class at my high school. I am 16 years old and only have those 12 weeks of experience. I came here because I enjoy photoshop a lot and would like to learn more and this seems like a lovely website so far
So because i am curious i would like to ask some simple questions to get an idea about other people on this site.
What's your age? I am 16
General Background/experience in photoshop? 12 weeks at my high school
How long have you been using this site/how many contests have you entered? 1 day and 0 contests
Also one more question, i noticed you guys do prize contests as well, I'm just curious where does that money come from and can anyone tell me that they've actually won one and received the money?
Thanks for your time, hope to stay here for a long time and learn a lot from everyone else 
I am a 60 years old Australian guy and i love photography art and poetry. Joined this site April 2011 and enjoying it plenty. Their are many very talented people contributing to the contests and if you need advice or help there will be plenty of people only to glad to assist. It's a hobby for me and it's great fun. Like everone i am learning all the time and i spend a fair bit of time studying others portfolios. There are so many great pic to see i suggest you take a good around the site you will be amazed by the beautiful art many members create.Welcome to the site and no doubt you will discover it's very addictive because it's so enjoyable good luck.
Location: Home
Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:06 am Reply with quote
I also started GIMP at 18 and turn to Photoshop after graduating highschool! I'm proud to be a part in this community. I learned here a lot about PS and I think the site will help you improve your skill. I'm 20 started last 2010. 
Location: California
Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:05 pm Reply with quote
Totoy wrote: I also started GIMP at 28 and turn to Photoshop after graduating highschool! I'm proud to be a part in this community. I learned here a lot about PS and I think the site will help you improve your skill. I'm 20 started last 2010. 
So Totoy how old were you when you graduated High School??? 
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