nevet wrote:
BSmatic wrote:
nevet wrote:
Anyone here working as an artist in the game or film industry?
why do you ask?
Well, I recently finished my masters degree in digital media and have been looking for an internship as a 2D artist and just wanted to know if there is anyone here with experience in that field.....
Thanks. Far as i go with 2D is drawing slides for video tutorials such as this
Their Video Production Manager sent me a script and I drew images. For example that few second intro is about 20 images that was inserted as separated frames. People usually using after effects or something similar - this was "we don't have time - do what you can" old school approach...
Timeline was terrible as we needed to finish about one tutorial per day without proper character development and actual time to do a decent work on the images. Drawing 40 images a day sucked all creativity (if there is any) and joy out me

in the meantime i was getting messages from other team members like " Can you make mi 20 icons (URGENT), mi GF needs a logo with some flowers in it, can you do it on live cam while balancing on broken beer bottles...Not all true but you get the point. As David Thorne once said -working in design industry is like being a dirty robot whore.
This is far from what you want to know and this is just for a website. I guess working in big production company is different story where you can work in one branch and one thing only but something tells me pressure is Inevitable.
I let you know when i go big