Luxwiz, Tawiskaro & Tesore: Thank you!

And Al, thanks for making the clear point!
I understand how immature this sounded and being drunk at the moment is not an excuse. Human relationships are by default complicated, and nothing happens out of the blue, but being a quiet guy who spends most of the day drawing something, I was simply blown away by the scale of the whole event. It could be done in two sentences in the small room, but instead it was this cheap, pointless public drama through two holidays and two countries with so many people involved at the end, through facebook, messenger, viber and what not, waiting for me to hit a fucking "like" somewhere and give my statement weather I'll give my blessings to this strange new couple and change status to make whole thing official and public or go ape about it, while people around me testing real weapons on new years eve, I've just lost it...
ck - perfectly true. I shouldn't take a dump here. I ran back at PSC as the only safe place i could think of in the moment and start bitching at you poor people like a school girl with no reason
No one likes the people who scream at the rollercoaster
Worst part is over.I'll get quiet now till the ride stops. It is simply matter of time.
<senzotaku> yes- I should only typed that part