Photoshop Contest Forum Index - General Discussion - Do we wanna save this place - Reply to topic
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Location: Norway
Wed May 31, 2017 10:45 pm Reply with quote
If you want so, at least start voting in the anonymous contest.
We have one member here that claims that other members doesnt vote as well. Why should he?
We all know you are good at chopping mr vicspa then you should go in front as a good example. Dont put the blame on others.
You havent voted in the anonymous contest since you became a member here.
My message: if you see a nice chop vote for it.
....or this site will for sure die. The anonymous contest is now what keeps this site going.
_________________ Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Location: Almuñecar.
Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:50 am Reply with quote
I second the motion and agree with you on this one Geir.Vic it does seem that you have set a precedent by not voting in the prize contests and a more people are following it all the time.I have always voted in the comps that I entered but I must I admit that I for one have been more and more relunctant to vote because of this not voting tendency.Not voting gives you an advantage over other members in the comp if they vote for yours and that could mean the difference between winning and loosing in the end,so I do not like to be at a disadvantage either.You do very good work and people do vote normally for your good entries,so why not return the favour to the other members.I mean you have won your fair share of comps already so why not give others with good work a fair chance at winning also.My two cents worth for now
Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:41 pm Reply with quote
Yes, it's fair to say if everyone had the same mentality then no one would vote at all which ultimately kills the site. On the other hand it shouldn't be just down to sportsmanship because not everyone will show fair play. The site itself should implement a way so that people who enter have to forcibly give a vote or two to be eligible for the prize.
What definitely should happen is If the person doesn't vote then at least make it so they can't win if there is a draw regardless if their entry was uploaded first.
Strange timing how this has popped up though because I can confirm Vicspa has voted this week 
Location: Norway
Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Strange timing how this has popped up though because I can confirm Vicspa has voted this week  [/quote]
Im talking about the anonymous contest Muggins, were you can win 50$.
Not the ordinary contests.
_________________ Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:39 pm Reply with quote
Yes I am referring to the $50 one, I have an entry and he has voted for it 
Location: Norway
Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:00 pm Reply with quote
Muggins wrote: Yes I am referring to the $50 one, I have an entry and he has voted for it 
Maybe he read this tread and voted?
_________________ Fuck Putin. ....and btw, fuck Trump as well.
Location: Hotel California
Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Everything dies, deal with it.
I think our site really started to lose it's soul after Splodge passed and went to his reward. PhotoshopTombstone is a more appropriate name for the reality of what Adobe has done to Photoshop's loyal customer base (e.g., I haven't used Photoshop in years. I use Affinity and Pixelmator for the bulk of just about everything).
Location: Photoshop Nation
Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:59 am Reply with quote
Tarmac wrote: Everything dies, deal with it.
I think our site really started to lose it's soul after Splodge passed and went to his reward. PhotoshopTombstone is a more appropriate name for the reality of what Adobe has done to Photoshop's loyal customer base (e.g., I haven't used Photoshop in years. I use Affinity and Pixelmator for the bulk of just about everything).
I disagree, I loved Splodge, he was great, bless his soul, but that wasn't the reason for the decline. There are more than one culprit, starting from Procyon, the previous owner, a rich boy playing with his toy, he got bored and left it in a corner, then i don't know how, he sold it to the present owners for an outrageous amount and ran with the money. SO outrageous that the new owners didn't dare touch one line of code to try and bring the website in our era. Let's face it, this website is so old it is vintage. Nothing or little has changed over the last 10 years. This is the reason why psc, our home on the internet, fell into disgrace. This, and the voting system, super flawed and unjust, drove away new and old choppers. And advantage, with its very own name putting users on different levels, letting one buy with money what one can't achieve with talent and work alone. The rise of social media also had a big impact on small websites like this (small compared to social websites).
Location: Hotel California
Sun Jun 04, 2017 7:00 pm Reply with quote
All very good points. The majority of these “apathies” have all contributed to PSCs decline. Splodge's passing for me, was the marking point of PSC's descent, not its singular reason.
I look on PSC and my years here with great memories and much gratitude. I took advantage of this place as my “art school on the cheap”. Put my head down, did my chopping, and didn’t give a f@ck whether I won or lost. No ego-bs. Just the daily rigor of chopping and exercising creative imagination, and working through all the logical “how to do it” problems. It changes a person. I use my graphic design skills from here almost daily in business.
Regarding us worrying and whining over PSC’s decline, I propose we buy the damn place and run it the way it should be run.
I know we can count on Marty to pledge half.
Location: Bethlehem,PA
Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:49 am Reply with quote
If it's worth that much, where's the $100 they owe me??? 
Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:27 pm Reply with quote
have to disagree...and disagree...and sadly agree again
I joined PSC after Splodge and that was over 6 yeas ago. Still had some good time here...for a man of my age...
My favorite coffee bar hasn't changed in over 40 years - i like it just like that. So no problem with matches my interests (character and abilities)
Agree with tombstone part - would be nice to really own software you pay for.
PS is more name than need.
Previous bug gif done in open source
That affinity designer sounds yummy tho...would like to hear your opinion MrTarmac if you find the time to spare for it.
Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:00 pm Reply with quote
There is no need to save this place. It's blooming lovely
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