I know it has been a long time, and I apologize for that...
that being said :
the PSCRoll is back
For those who don't know what I'm talking about
It's an attempt of psc members to create the longest digital canvas on the internet. This is done by creating 'small' images that blend together nicely when placed next too each other. Ultimately forming one long canvas. currently 69829 pixels / 970 inch (72 dpi) / 2463 cm (72 dpi)
Check it out at
What's new
Last couple of weeks I've been working a lot on the site to simplify things (mainly for me) and to give the site a nicer look.
Upon that each user that has contributed to the roll all ready will receive a pm today with a login and pass.
Every contributor (past and future ones) will have his own profile page. You can add things your website, email, real name, some info about yourself, avatar, etc...
And for each image you've entered you will be able to give some info with it and give it his own title
Once you're logged in you can sign in to the queue. You can enter the queue as many times as you want (unless you're all ready in it that is). So this means, once you've got your image in the roll you can sign in for another turn.
The rules to enter
A slight change then the ones before.
* You need to have atleast 10 entries here
* A minimum vpp of 15, or 1 contest win is required
This is a bit stricter then before but I want to assure high quality images
more info at
the pscroll faq
For those who've not entered the roll yet
Unfortunately the automatic registration is not up yet. If you want in, post a message here. I'll add you manually to the user list.
Don't worry if you don meet the requirements yet. You'll be able to login into the site too, you only won't be able to sign into the queue
About bugs, and other creatures
I've been testing the site for days now. But i can't guarantee the site is 100% full proof and water resistant. If you find a bug or think there should be things changed, please pm me with the info or request