Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Brain Storm - 25 votes, downfall of quality!? - Reply to topic
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Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:59 am Reply with quote
I'll start by saying this site has given me very much, i've learned almost all i know about photoshop by competing here. That is the word: competition. I feel there's a lack of it in the last months. Competitivity is the drive to always do better. In the period between the change of the site and today something happened, something that contributed to lower the general quality of the photoshop works: we got 25 votes instead of 15. When i started here it wasn't easy, i got quite a few 0 votes posts, that hurt me, and pushed me to do better and better, and took me to the good level i am now. That was hard work, long hours in front of the monitor knowing that what i was doing i couldn't do the month before. After the site change, i started voting for pics i would have never before with only 15 precious votes. Everybody did. That is the key to my tought. Getting low votes was a drive to improve and try and do better.. Now that drive is almost gone, as a good amount of average to low quality posts almost never get low votes, 0 votes posts are very fewer in percentage than in the past. We're all responsible for this happening, i know i am not the only one feeling this way, i love this site and its community, i want top notch stuff from the most members possible. Please leave your opinion on this matter.
Location: Brazil
Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:11 am Reply with quote
I'm with you supa... besides, it really puts us down to have a hard time working on a pic, and see crappy posts getting more votes than you just because their friends vote for it, no matter it's good or bad... people can't say we do the same... you know better than nobody that I don't vote for you (supa) unless I like yer post... and yes, I do vote for crappy posts... when I see there was an effort on it... an idea, that maybe needs an improving of technique... and I leave some constructive comments... or when it's a funny post...
anyway... something changed since I was gone... and i'm really willing to find out what...
Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:48 am Reply with quote
I agree with you 100%.
There's no doubt that extremely sub-par posts are being rewarded with numerous votes.
Worse than the votes, in this uber-supportive environment such posts are also receiving
gushing praise.
Sure, the voters are making friends but it is a great disservice to progress.
It's ok not to use all 25 votes. Unfortunately this site actually makes a competition
out of the number of votes cast in the past 7 days.
Location: Australia
Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:17 pm Reply with quote
10 votes, 15 votes or 25 votes, it does not matter how many votes you have to put out. I vote for what I like and try to leave a comment, either condtructive or funny. ( yeah I know my sense of humour is a bit in left feild)
If I see an image that I beleive deserves a vote then I will vote for it, and if a friend has an entry I dont like I wont vote, same as if some one submitts two images, unless they are both very different and well done I normaly vote for the one I like the best. I also like to encourage others with votes to try harder or improve there skillls, and enjoy the same comments and ideas left on my images. I personnaly enjoy the comments received more than the votes. ( But ya can still vote for my entries if ya want)
I agree with Badcop about the vote tally, I would rather not know who has used the 25 votes or not. Voting should not be a competition.
With regards to the vote for a friend thing, its your vote and you use it as you wish, I would like to beleive that at the end of the day the best images get the votes they deserve, and the winning image wins because its not only well created but worthy of the votes it received.
Well thats my 10cents (aussie)
Location: Saskatoon
Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:46 pm Reply with quote
My 2 cents
Eliminate all names from the posts until after the contest closes
This includes the author of the pic... sort of like it used to be . 
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:58 pm Reply with quote
please try to stay on topic, this is NOT a thread about friendly votes! thanks
Meeshoo Klan
Location: Romania
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:00 pm Reply with quote
I agree 50% with U guys/girls. But when I join in 2 dis site I see 25 votes. I`ll B happy if da no. of votes will B reduce to 15 or 10. Anyway, all people works 4 contest in his style. I have more than 10 or 12 examples post (great names - but I don`t want 2 uppset nobody) similar like Doruletz.
When I started here, it wasn't easy 2 me, I got 0 votes per posts too, that hurt me 2. I was angry with me ( 4 my ideas & skills).
Friendly votes? Here is a problem with U guys! 4 example, I spend my votes (not all) 4 my eyes can see in da contest. 4 me da source of da composite pics is not concludent! I never ask da real names of da sites - What is ur source? [i]
In all contest exist 0 votes post! So.......
U all have a forum with congratulations! hey, welcome into, 1000+, 2000 + votes, etc. This is a problem about number of votes! Everybody put 2 entries on every contest, so, in 10 contest => many many many votes 4 (what U name it? crappy posts? low quality posts? . So, don`t vote da idea, da execution! vote whatever U want! Put questions, make da contester 2 feel uppset, etc.
This is a site 4 photoshopers? Right? ok, then is 4 creativity ideas? right? When U sayd about a post: "is a crappy posts, low quality posts, say it 4 urself" Or show this by not acording ur votes!
I want 2 B more competitions on dis site. Most of the site sponsors (who have more time 2 think about featured pic, & have more time 2 work,) is angry about a shy entry who takes a best place. Thats all!
P.S. If my english is not 2 good, my skills in photoshop are! (joke)
Be all good contesters, be nice with da contest neighbour.
with all considerations,
Meeshoo Klan
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:18 pm Reply with quote
I wasn't really talking about friends voting for friends,
I was talking about people voting for underserving entries because they
are trying to be nice. They are being friendly.
What I'm saying is, because I doubt this site will go back to 10 or 15 votes any time soon,
people should be discretionary with their votes.
If you keep voting for simple cut an paste jobs, you are encouraging poor work.
It's ok to leave encouraging comments without voting.
Location: Australia
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:20 pm Reply with quote
Just re-read your post Sup, and correct me if Im wrong, but your complaint/question/opinion is that there are to many low quility images getting votes compared to the high quility votes.
So then should those of us who have good ideas but little skills just not post, never gain experance, and never learn. I like to give votes for many reasons and yes some times I will vote for a chop that is not tech-correct, to much blur, color not match. My post now with the Electric Station, has some bad cloning at the background, cloning is not my strong point. (Thats if I have a strong point) every one here has at one stage produced poor quality images, check out my portfolio heaps of 0-2 votes in there.
If I have read your post wrong then I appologies.
And Meeshoo Klan, your english is just fine, dont check my spelling
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:24 pm Reply with quote
please ble read my initial post again, if a "poor" quality post gets incouraged with votes, there's no will to improve in the next posts, that's my point i tought that was clear.
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:27 pm Reply with quote
I think Lexi may have something here. Imagine not knowing who posted the image, then going back at the end of the contest and seeing who did what. That could be a good time. I wouldn't suggest doing it for every contest. Maybe once or twice a month. But hey, if it aint broke don't fix it right.
As far as the votes go, everyone has the right to vote however they want but I've always felt that 25 votes may be a little much. I say 10 votes is plenty.
supa has the right idea. If ya get votes for do'in something shitty then why spend time making something quality!
eFunk's words of wisdom....
Location: Florida
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:30 pm Reply with quote
I agree with Lexi and efunk...I think it`s a good idea...No names...
Location: Australia
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:31 pm Reply with quote
Then I will have to disagree with your point of view my friend, because I beleive that positive re-enforcement gets better results than no re-enforcement at all. I some one tries to do the best they can, and I can see they have improved from the last time then I will vote for them, as I beleive many others will. I know its a contest and its nice to win and get lots of votes and all that, but the thing I like most here compared to other sites is that its a friendly compertition, I dont care who wins what there name is in the end its the image that counts not the name or the history.
I hope we can agree to disagree.
Location: Photoshop Nation
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:34 pm Reply with quote
of course, it's your right to disagree, lexi, ronni and efunk, anonymous voting wouldn't solve it i think, we had anonymous, you could get your pic known by msn or similar.
Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:36 pm Reply with quote
Totally agree Blue, My first post that got over 20 votes made me want to really bust my ass to get 21 the next time. I just feel that if we have less votes to use then the votes we get, in a sence; meen that much more.
I also love seeing someone improve from post to post, improvement deserves votes that's for sure!
Efunk has know idea what's going on right now...
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