Ahh you know not what you are messing with here...
We've had a few in the past that got quite heated!
We've had PSC related -
• several pro-Advantage vs anti-Advantage ones;
• debates over voting patterns/systems;
• whether nudity and gore should be allowed in posts and if so, how much;
• claims/accusations of cheating;
• etc, etc.
... and non-PSC related:
• biggest example: "Conservatives suck!" which started as a left-wing vs right-wing thread and developed into a pro-Iraq War vs anti-Iraq War one... ran for MANY pages and MANY weeks as I recall
I'd say - let's not go there. Ok, I agree the forum is a bit less exciting than it used to be, but at least noone is attacking or being attacked, quitting in anger/sadness at harsh exchanges, etc etc. And we had plenty of that in the past fuelled by controversies in chat and the forum!