Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - from Austria with love - Reply to topic
Location: Austria
Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:53 pm Reply with quote
Hi folks!
As you see, I'm not only an european, I'm an AUSTRIAN!
Don't expect this to be very special - there are 8 millions of us - it's just for you to understand WHY I sometimes write ... let's say strange things
Allthough I'm registered since...I don't know, way too long ... I had a kind of timeout after about 6 pics. But now I'm back - still as a n00b - but with some more experience
P.S.: Is there any possibility to change my nickname, or do I habe to re-register?
_________________ If it wasn't the way it is, it would be different.
Sat Nov 12, 2005 7:06 pm Reply with quote
you'd have to reregister. want a new english word?  habe=have
welcome back to PSC
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:59 am Reply with quote
jAnEsChAiNs wrote: it's just for you to understand WHY I sometimes write ... let's say strange things
as an austrian i have to add: you mean your english, not that you are saying strange things because you are austrian. this already does schwarzenegger.
but still enough strange in our country: the austrian government, a conservative/far-right coalition (re-elected in 2002), did not even reach 20 % of votes during the last elections in the city of vienna! this is a clear sign for re-elections for the whole country! its time for a change, because next year, the same people out of this minority-govenment will be in a leading position in the european union for one year ... *sorry for getting political ...  )
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:18 am Reply with quote
and another strange thing about austria: an afro-austrian student (master of science) died during a police-action. cheibani was his name. this guy only made two mistakes: he was black and he was at nighttime near a place which is well know for drug-dealing (vienna-stadtpark). he was there because there was an african multicultural event in this park. policemen came and wanted to check cheibanis ID, but he protested against arbitrariness. police fixed him on the ground by standing on his body, arms and legs. some rescue aidmen and an emergency physician also joined the scene. at the end there were 9 (!) people standing on cheibanis body, also the doc and the aidmen. after a view minutes, when cheibani tried to get free to breath, he died because of suffocation.
last week, there was the trial against these killers in uniform. one policeman and the doctor got 7 months on probation (hope i found the right word; they do not have to go to jail if they stay "clean"), what they demured, the others went free!
in the same week another trial: an afro-austrian hit three postmen with a pole and robbed money. no one died here. he goes to jail for 14 years!
that means austria is a good place for being killed by some official authority, and nothing will happen to them.
maybe the burning cars and riots in france will not stay there ...
Location: Austria
Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:59 am Reply with quote
Yeah... Austria is a beautiful place!
Austria is SOOO rich, it builds a Atomic-Powerplant, just for fun, because after building it, the government asks the people, if they even want atomic power.
They don't want it, so the very, very expensive powerplant never starts producing energy. It's just there, to be looked at and to remember, how rich austria is. And what smart people live in it...
yeah, austria is great.
I think I don't have to tell ya, who the most famous austrian is...
this guy, who didn't like people, who looked different than he did...
well, as I told you, Austria is a great nation...
_________________ If it wasn't the way it is, it would be different.
Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:44 am Reply with quote
lol Scion. i take it you play Halo, by the looks of your banner?
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Austria
Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:51 am Reply with quote
yeah, best game ever 
_________________ If it wasn't the way it is, it would be different.
Location: Duketown
Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:32 pm Reply with quote
I really don't understand how all those Austrians can stand shiploads of annoying drunk Dutchies during wintertime in the Tyrolian Alps. I say "throw them out"! 
Location: Brazil
Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:02 pm Reply with quote
mason4300 wrote: you'd have to reregister. want a new english word?  habe=have
welcome back to PSC
mason, habe is a typo not an error... if you look close enough in your keyboard youŽll see that the letter B is in the right of the letter V...
so no reason to make fun of that...
but if ya want to make fun of marco at anytime, count me in... 
TheShaman wrote: fine fine! I'm an idiot!
Location: Austria
Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:07 pm Reply with quote
AtHeaMo wrote: I really don't understand how all those Austrians can stand shiploads of annoying drunk Dutchies during wintertime in the Tyrolian Alps. I say "throw them out"! 
looooooooool, yeah...
but we austrians are also good at drinking... "Jagatee" for example (Hunter's tea translated) or how about "Most" or "Sturm" *hrhr*
Don't know, if there are any ways of translating that, but you've got to drink them, real österreichisch
And skiing in austria rulez... Hermann Meier vs. Bode Miller
Does anyone of you Amis watch skiing championships?
But the best thing is drinking AND snowboarding...
...never mind
_________________ If it wasn't the way it is, it would be different.
Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:28 pm Reply with quote
arcaico wrote: mason4300 wrote: you'd have to reregister. want a new english word?  habe=have
welcome back to PSC
mason, habe is a typo not an error... if you look close enough in your keyboard youŽll see that the letter B is in the right of the letter V...
so no reason to make fun of that...
lol I wasnt making fun of him. He said he was Austrian, and habe is have in most germanic languages. I simply thought that he didn't know the english word for it. But no, I wasn't making fun of him at all, Im taking German in school myself.
_________________ "Recently, NASA scientists discovered that most people love to play video games but hate to die in fiery airplane crashes."
Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:13 am Reply with quote
AtHeaMo wrote: I really don't understand how all those Austrians can stand shiploads of annoying drunk Dutchies during wintertime in the Tyrolian Alps. I say "throw them out"! 
thats why alcoholic-drinks are filled in plastic-bottles in most touristic regions! but the dutchies have to stand carloads and trainloads of stoned austrians, so ... 
Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Welcome Center - from Austria with love - Reply to topic
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