So I ended up doing this for another thread here, but I wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to see it, if it helps in the Great Journey To Photoshop Completeness.
Here's what you do:
1) turn on the RULERS and drag out a vertical line - this will be your REFLECTION point. Draw your image for the start and end points line up on that line.
2) click and DRAG the 1st layer down to the NEW PATH icon (beside the trash icon)
3) click on FREE TRANSFORM (cntrl+T) and then under EDIT choose FLIP HORIZONTAL
3a) drag the new flipped path to the other side of the "reflecting" line
4) CUT the flipped path (cntrl + X) - this way you know you've got it on the pasteboard
5) Click on the 1st PATH layer to activate it
IMPORTANT: make sure no NODES are selected for the next step - click on the blank 2nd layer and back onto the 1st to clear any node selections
8 )
to test that it is working right, click on the Fill PATH button at the bottom of the PATHS pallette, if you've done it right the above whole thing should fill in!!
9) clean up - UNDO to clear test fill, and remove the 2nd PATH layer, it should be blank now anyway!
And here it is again with PICTURES, because PICTURES is a FUN WAY TO LEARN!
NOTE: the above diagram doesn't have ALL the crutial, mind-numbing steps in it, so use it with the WRITTEN TUTORIAL above!