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Location: Vienna/Austria/Europe
Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Was just washing dishes, and thinking about PSC - what a regular guy is doing  : Here my thoughts: Tomorrow morning I will leave for a long-weekend-holiday until Sunday. "Oh, I'll have to place my votes for the next days contests", because I will be offline during my holiday. But would this be fair? My votes for just a part of all entries (the early ones) would distort the competition, doesnt it? In my opinion it is only really fair, when you see all entries when you spend your votes.
"Would a rating-system be better?" - many newbies bring this topic into forum, I know. But it would help to avoid the distortion mentioned above. A rating-system needs some kind of protection against stupid voters. Another contest-site uses a karma-system. The better (fairer) you vote, the more karma, the heavier is your given rating weighted for summary. Changing PSC voting-system into a rating-system will never be possible so, and I am sure that this suggestion would not find a majority ever.
Did you see another voting-system, or do you have a complete different idea? Just to discuss... I am well with actual PSC-voting-system!
To all parents my special helloween-wishes: Have fun with your kids full of sugar! 
Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:00 pm Reply with quote
You can always give a comment when you get back, when you would have liked to vote for the image, I think.
Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:10 pm Reply with quote
Thinking about PSC while doing the dishes? I am so relieved to know I'm not the only one.
Don't worry about what's fair and what isn't. If you want to vote, vote and don't worry about missing later entries. The worst that could happen is that someone will assume you have overlooked their fantastic artwork and have absolutely no clue about what what constitutes real artwork. They might then pay you back by not voting or commenting on your next awesome entry.
The people who've been here long enough know some of us have lives outside of PSC and cannot always be there to catch every entry that is churned out. Some even go on vacation and submit entries to contests they won't be able to participate in. It's all a part of the seasonal going-ons here at PSC.
I'll be sure to get my entries in early. 
Location: Switzerland
Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:22 am Reply with quote
I also just had a thought, whilst tidying up!
I was thinking that 25 votes per contest is a lot of votes, considering there are only an average of approx 35 images per contest... my suggestion is, why not have less votes allocated to every user, so users are forced to consider which images really deserve their votes? Or, votes are counted as percentages - so you give 30% to an image you really like, 10% to one you think is good, another 5% (minimum percentage) to one you think was a good effort and so on and so forth.... Or you're allocated blocks of points - so you have a 30 point, a 20 point (or whatever) etc - so you're basically ranking images in order - so you have your preference as to which image is your favourite, your second favourite -until it continues?!
Well, it was just an idea!! - sorry if this has been discussed before, I am still fairly new here!!

Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:05 am Reply with quote
Quote: "Oh, I'll have to place my votes for the next days contests", because I will be offline during my holiday. But would this be fair? My votes for just a part of all entries (the early ones) would distort the competition, doesnt it? In my opinion it is only really fair, when you see all entries when you spend your votes. Simple solution: don't vote for the contests where you won't be able to see all entries. No one gets affected positively or negatively
Anywayz, as for voting, there's just no '100% honest' solution. And adding all kinds of ratings and trickery stuff will just make it too damned complicated (that was personal rant :p )
(though I kinda like a 'rough' idea that votes could be used as currency (so you need to earn votes you can give by getting votes in contests)
_________________ I used to do stuff around here
Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:20 am Reply with quote
joski7 wrote:
I was thinking that 25 votes per contest is a lot of votes, considering there are only an average of approx 35 images per contest... my suggestion is, why not have less votes allocated to every user, so users are forced to consider which images really deserve their votes?
yeah 25 is a lot, I'll give you that. But no one forces you to use all of them or any of them for that matter. You think only 5 or so are good enough to vote on, then just vote on those 5. You want to still encourage others but don't want to skew the voting system, thats what comment section is for.
Go through Lurkers links, some good stuff there. And a lot of my thoughts in there as well. Interesting to see what I thought back in 2005, still holds true today. And thanks to showcase...
I no longer "blow my wad early"
Most of this has been gone over and over and over. It goes on and on and on and on. Strangers, waiting... walkin' down the boulevard.. Their shadows searching in the night. Street lights... people. Living just to find emotion. Hiding somewhere in the night. Great now I've got Journey stuck in my head.
Final Summation: Don't worry so much about votes people. Yes we all do it. We all work hard on our entries but I've learned, if ya just sit back and enjoy this place, you'll sleep a lot better at night. Just have fun here, learn some stuff. Ask questions. Don't worry, be... Well lets not got there 
Location: Ottawa Strong!
Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:59 am Reply with quote
I can't think when I am doing the dishes, the damn dishwasher makes too much noise.
Location: On the way to Utopia!
Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:55 am Reply with quote
I didn't want to start a topic about the voting system  , but I made this months ago:
- never out of votes
- sometimes you like a entrie not for 100%, so you can vote more balanced
- it's good to encourage people (newbies)
25 votes are sometimes enough, but sometimes - I could be - out of votes before I see all the entries (p.e.: TC 2008).
*Kicks the soapbox away*
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:59 pm Reply with quote
yeah some comps 25 votes are a lot, but like Sean says, you do not have to use them all, and if the allocation changes,a and say like the Team chop comes along, of a 'good' prize comp, and there are 60 god entries (keep believing  ) then25 votes becomes not enough maybe.
Basically use the votes how you see fit, but use them fairly and with thought
Location: 46°03' N 14°30' E
Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:07 pm Reply with quote
yello-piggy...i was just thinking about this the voting should be avaliable after all the entries are posted till teh deadline.... nice thoughts guys....maybe some day it will be a reality.
Location: Norway
Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:09 pm Reply with quote
About voting:
- I see who votes
- I see who don't vote
- I see who plays
- I see who don't play
- I see who votes tactically
- I see who don't vote tactically
But personally I leave the games for the players, I just vote on the chops I like. Exept gifs........I do not like gifs.

Location: Peaksville, Southeast of Disorder
Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:27 pm Reply with quote
pakimo wrote: I just vote on the chops I like. Exept gifs........I do not like gifs.

You know, I used to be in the same boat... I wouldn't EVER vote for a gif.. then I actually tried making a few. Completely changed my mind.
Just the fact of keeping them under 512k (now) and making them A) look good B) have a point
isn't an easy task.
I have much more respect for gifs then I did in the past. But that doesn't mean I'm mystified by them where they automatically get a vote from me. They still have to meet my criteria above of looking good, and having a point to the animation. I don't just vote because OMFG it moves! I feel they at least have to look good if they were a static image, far too many times I see gifs that forget basic principles like shadows or reflections. That a static image would have to adhere too.
I consider it an honor, that someone who doesn't like gifs voted for one of mine.
Location: I am everywhere, and Nowhere, but mostly, I am right here!
Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:38 pm Reply with quote
I am in a similar boat, yet not exactly the same boat as Sean, mine is a lesser make, and has slightly less horses under in the engine
But seriously, I did not like gifs, as they are not totally photoshop really. A lot like using 3d programs to make near faultless entries here really annoys me, as its swinging in my opinion to cheating like a mutha hubbard, letting algorithms and complex working out visually being done automatically by a piece of software.... also why I rarely like the use of some filters.
Learn to do it yourself, not let a automated system do it, you will learn more and feel like you have achieved something.
Gifs though over the years have gained my respect, as long as they have skill showing. I am useless at making them, and get frustrated easily by them, and in turn have great respect for the people who can make them look so easy.
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:36 pm Reply with quote
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the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
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