ps is made for photo retouching, painter for painting......
i know hear that alot....but.....sometimes i see things like this brush thread where it seems that everyone agrees....(to some degree)...that the brushes are better....or seem to have more control in paint.
..and i also have notice that there is no-way....That i know of.. combine colors on a brush. like half green,half yellow other than as Micose has said..lay down the colors and smudge...which works o.k.
Then again combining colors and not being able to twist the brush would not help really.
noway to import painter brushes into photoshop sorry

damn the MAN....and his copyrighted it would be trying to use a PS3 file in the xbox......different formats all together.
I was hoping for some MAGICAL shit i guess.

Thanks Led
Micose....i get your putting your colors down before canvas painting.....

....finally a MICOSE TUTORIAL.

....i doing one for tommorrows contest.....thanks man.