pakimo wrote:
Micose vs ReggieNoble2

I 2nd this one... i hear a third.................would make for two very interesting chops...that's for sure.
TWO more great chopper's that many here have NEVER SEEN.
Splodge vs. Billtv.....we can call it the "MOD H2H"

Does Bill still have PS?....i know Splodge's under his Flash program

T.A. vs. Stevster..not bad LTZ..

Grephix......i say Grephix because he and T.A can totally take a picture apart....and come up with some very wicked creations....GREAT MINDS.
I know Gran just went....but him and MARTY would be cool..(GIF"S ONLY).

.maybe the first GIF"S ONLY H2H.
SOZE vs. Marco.....Soze has gotten better and better, plus he continually come's up with great idea's day after Marco, being the one that is so consistant with idea's....this would be a great comp.