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I shall call it Zwoink
I shall call it Zwoink
I know it's a weird thing, but I saw this 'face' in the plumage of the swan. Doubted if i should enter this, but here we go anyway (all source)

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marcoballistic marcoballistic
you were thinking this strange manifistation obviously G, I like it though, very nice
ReyRey ReyRey
I love it!!!! I think it's great! Really.....
Zetape Zetape
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
Arrrr matey
samuelb samuelb
Ik vind hem te gek! Leuk gedaan man
paraselene paraselene
Beowulf Agat Beowulf Agat
Looks like something out of doom3.. eeh I mean duck3 =)
nancers nancers
thbeghin thbeghin
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
what the hell?
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Butterball swan feather pluck.yank it´s legs off and freeze it for Thanksgiving.Mutant vote.
mikey mikey
Vlad Vlad
Zwoink is the correct name. I looked it up on the internet.
jeff_in_dallas jeff_in_dallas
I think that this is actually a Zwack. Zwoinks are faces on half pigs. ;)
badcop badcop
you had me at Zwoink...
Eepi Eepi


Grefix Grefix
what was I thinking...
Grefix Grefix
wow, I actually got 5 votes allready :D must have done something good.
Grefix Grefix
would like to react one each comment, but IP'll wrap it up: fun reading them, had a good laugh :p

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 I shall call it Zwoink
by Grefix
Created September 07, 2006
17 votes   3 comments
892w x 749h (499KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  3
idea  1
theme  0

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