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Decided to bung up a daft animation version. Please see original higher quality still attempt which can be seen in the opening frame here just for reference !

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marcoballistic marcoballistic
oh yeah, great source find, love this, good entry Granulated :oD
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
nice act
the burning couch the burning couch
Odd. I'd have to say this is one of my faves of contest.:)
Rodrigodesenhista Rodrigodesenhista
good idea, Granulated .
philgos philgos
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Hillarious Granulated.
Evelyn Evelyn
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Too much.luv it..
Persuader Persuader
Sassy Sassy
nice work!
Eve Eve
Grefix Grefix
hehe :)


Granulated Granulated
Cheers Marco. I aint happy with it but I strictly limit myself to an hour on an entry.
SantiH SantiH
euheueheuh i remember circus ;p
Granulated Granulated
Cheers Mr Couch. Unfortunately you are in a vivid minority !
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
lol, even better
Granulated Granulated
thanks Paul.
Granulated Granulated
cheers Relic-O
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Gran You could try leaving the original still on just slightly longer.We don´t get time to grasp the initial scene from whence the rest proceeds...the jitter´s great...holy vertigo good goin´
Granulated Granulated
cheers lux... didnt you notice the link to the original underneath ?
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Yeah I notice he´s got good balance.nice blur on the front of the wire but,he shouldn´t have fallen with those two big ... to grab on to...What I meant is to put the original still on longer on the beginning of the gif also
Luxwiz Luxwiz
your ext. source link went on the blink Gran

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by Granulated
Created September 19, 2006
12 votes   10 comments
500w x 375h (124KB)

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authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  0
idea  2
theme  0

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