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The Last Bingor
The Last Bingor
the exotic little animal that used to exist...but not anymore ! (FACT: 15,589 species are known to be threatened with extinction today).This is SERIOUS everybody...ext.sources [img]

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TheShaman TheShaman
damn I almost said wheres the source?!!? lol nice job Lux
MindGraph MindGraph
wow! you turned this one into a tear jerker. It's ashame about all that has become extinct while I've been alive. Appreciate the animals! Nice touch.
Stevster Stevster
speedial speedial
Excellent work
Granulated Granulated
id like to see more around the casing ..unless that case has an internal lighting system ?
Megpowergirl Megpowergirl
Patre Patre
nifft nifft
Nice idea.
rashdog rashdog
Sulemi Sulemi
Sliver Sliver
Heinlein Heinlein
Grefix Grefix
nice to see an non-humoristic approach, good work on it too
mightybeet mightybeet
if ya keep puttin them into glass cases how are they gonna breath?
Less than Zero Less than Zero
dfwsusan dfwsusan


Luxwiz Luxwiz
We getting saturated with "humour" on this one so I tried a different approach MG...sorry about the tears,especially after your chainsaw mercy killing...hahaha
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Yeah I thought of a few,pawn shop and even on the e-bay auction block....but I left it black on purpose as a symbol of mourning for all the little crittres that are getting wiped out.Thanx for your suggestion Gran
Luxwiz Luxwiz
oh yeah by the way it does have an internal lighting system.check out my externals...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
screwed up that last comment...I´ll try again...ext.sources link on the entry comments,and...Here`s an extinction info link if anyone is interested.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
If we humans don`t wake up to the "greater realities" on this planet,we`ll be on the list pretty soon,along with the Bingor and the Gordonk (MindGraph took care of that) hehe
Luxwiz Luxwiz
I knew I did a good taxidermy job mb.It really looks like it`s trying to breath but it`s not.Just watch to see if his heart beets.It wont.It`s an X Bingor.It`s pushin up the daisies.It`s nailed to it`s pedestal.It`s EXTINCT...Unless it`a good mime.Thanks
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Thanks Grefix,although to tell you the truth maybe I should have jumped on the bandwagon the little fella sure lends himself well to humorous situations by the looks of all these great entries

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 The Last Bingor
by Luxwiz
Created October 12, 2006
16 votes   7 comments
1077w x 960h (189KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  0
idea  1
theme  2

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