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Photoshop Contest Entry #11100

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scrolbar scrolbar
This is worth an early vote. Good idea, nicely done, and it plays on the name Ninja Gaiden.
lothar97 lothar97
Voting early...sticks out as idea
R@tty R@tty
yourmom yourmom
great job. all that's missing is the garden weasel.
spackler spackler
Clever and artfully done.
rkochman rkochman
Funny stuff!
bluefist bluefist
Definitely the best. Great job.
lactose lactose
Funny concept and well done.
bitmap bitmap
The fabled green thumb of death...
toaster toaster
kencd7 kencd7
Best of the day,
16ozBud 16ozBud
Gets my late vote, great work.
cecilia cecilia
carchase carchase


todd todd
I'm waiting to vote until later... but this is a pretty likely candidate. Funny!
rkochman rkochman
Would I hire these losers to trim my hedges? I think not!
kraabel kraabel
Give it a border and you've got another vote from me.
aidol aidol

"Da background look like sumthin' from da Garden of Eden, so just for dat, I rate it 100 - even."

woodie woodie
Ninja Garden? Ninja Guiden? Another video game cliche, I like it!
scrolbar scrolbar
This rocks!!! You got my early vote.
Eman Eman
I like the text layout.

Ninjas zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by balz
Created August 30, 2002
15 votes   7 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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