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Photoshop Contest Entry #11665

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peetree peetree
what were you thinking...?
fetajr fetajr
relax, i'm jewish too, i don't take offense
dewking dewking
ok.. then i will ask..

what were you thinking, putting a poor ass quality image on top of a cleaner image and hacking the arms off hitler to try and line thm up with the kids arm?
mothra mothra
fetajr fetajr
because i'm at work and making my image 100% isn;t my top priority...its no different from the other racial pictures that are posted that everyone seems to love...bin laden, the catholic priest, etc.... you guy ought to relax and get the pi
dewking dewking
re: fetjar...
most of us are at work too... and i don't think (for the most part) that its the racial issue, its the fact that the quality sucks... thats all.
batichan batichan
we get paid to work in is that great or what???

I wonder if my boss know that
baldmarc baldmarc
why is hitler wearing a casio?
scrolbar scrolbar
Not only is it low res but the image is reversed and the swastika is backwards. I guess it was reversed to get the casio arm in the picture. Sorry I had to comment on this. This is not only poor work but a poor concept. BTW it is not a pickle but a la
fetajr fetajr
i practically work at so i guess i should put 110% in all my images, VOTE FOR ME!!!
fetajr fetajr
10 comments should count as 1 vote
dewking dewking
no no, 10 GOOD comments should make one vote...

10 Commants about crap should make it be removed! :)
bluefist bluefist
I agree with Dooking Howser M.D.. It's just a poor quality issue. You could learn a thing or two about antisemitist propoganda from the 'Sleepless' one's post.
peetree peetree
>>>>10 Commants about crap should make it be removed! :)

fetajr fetajr
EAT A DI&K!!!!!! you guys sound like a bunch of babies "bad quality, poor image, waaaaaaa!"
mothra mothra
Fetajr: Are you serious? What do you expect? Youre showcasing this image as a representation of your artistic talents in public here. This is probably worthy of being removed for the site. Its not the lame subject matter thats offensive, its your abu
dewking dewking
yeah, well this IS not "hey look i can cut and paste some crap and stick it up on this"

but your right, how childish of us to use the "comment" button to actually post comments about this lack of skill and thought
fetajr fetajr
so what, one rush job doesn't hurt, check out the living room picture i did with the dog...that outta lighten ya up.
dewking dewking
uh.. no, so far the only half good one is maybe the guitar-sign...
Sloth Sloth
I thought this was
anonymoo anonymoo
y'know, the reason i liked this site was that people were friendly…if you think his post is crap, give him constructive criticism and don't vote for it…can't we all just get along? :] alt0133
fetajr fetajr
kiss my ass dewking, your stuff isn't all that great either
dewking dewking
ah yes fet.. your right.. im in the HOF because my ideas and images suck...

sorry, my bad.

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 [untitled entry]
by fetajr
Created September 10, 2002
0 votes   23 comments
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