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Made him fighting darth vader....

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annajon annajon
couldb5150 couldb5150
have I seen this elsewhere????hmmmm??..not as good as your sphere entry....DICKHEAD!
Govan Govan
acemanoj acemanoj
OK man I am giving you a vote....actually its a nice idea and good work. Always keep all this comments in mind....I also think you should get a second chance...:)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Persistence in the face of self-inflicted adversity vote. The integration really is not very good. The position of the golfer's light saber is wrong relative to his grip. Spend more time on the entries and the votes will come. Go and sin no more.


manic_d manic_d
don't vote it annajon... he's the cheating sob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Sliver Sliver
terrible integration.. why don't you steal someone elses entry.. you'll get more votes.
couldb5150 couldb5150
have I seen this elsewhere????hmmmm??..not as good as your sphere entry....DICKHEAD!DAMN i HIT THE WRONG BUTTON!!!!!
couldb5150 couldb5150
buglover buglover
@ couldb5150 LOL!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ok seriously we all fuck up people, I think we are not doing the site or anyone any favours in opening a can of whoop on this guy, although he is undeniably misguided, a second chance must be granted.
Michael903 Michael903
Guys I'm 15 and I just joined like 4 days ago.... I'm sorry... I didn't know.. I'm not going to do it again..
marcoballistic marcoballistic
some of the things said here are really out of order.
padfoot7726 padfoot7726
What program are you even using?
couldb5150 couldb5150
Ok Ok Marco is right !...But I think we should insist on a PSD link to all posts from him for a probationary period of time....that would holster my guns!
Michael903 Michael903
Well... there is this other site and what they do is make you in some contests show your steps.... that would be a good idea.... and people please vote I only got 2 votes on this one..
padfoot7726 padfoot7726
Don't tell people to vote for your entry. (And unless you didn't notice, one of the "two votes" you got was accidental and called you a dickhead)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
you got 2 votes but look on the bright side you got a 7.0 RATING :) and 170 views and 13 comments so cheer up and do things properly from now got a second chance now do good
Michael903 Michael903
hey I have a question... how do you get rated on like for example the 7.0 I can't vote yet.... all i see is the the quality and comment but no rating scale...
WhimSea WhimSea
you can rate entries when you visit the site without being logged in

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POLO ain't Golf
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by Michael903
Created October 09, 2007
5 votes   15 comments
800w x 600h (109KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  1
idea  1
theme  0

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