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In a distant future, a time where fish and cats rule...there is one fish who stands for justice! JAMES POND! Calling headquaters for back up as he is about to ambush an illegal sushi bar! ......(with such a source you get wacky S* like this hehe ;) )

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bigbuck bigbuck
Salvezza Salvezza
MindGraph MindGraph
WOW! This is really great! The chop AND the story line. You should if you aren't already consider becoming a writer. Great job!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ha ha remember the James Pond games when I had a Sega Megadrive (Genesis to our American friends) this is damn nice (Oh and Eve asked for the authors note to be limited if anything at all) ha ha ;o) superb
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Mir Mir
mihai_myxz mihai_myxz
candron candron
UntExp UntExp
Persuader Persuader
in my opinion this is the best! great story, very skilled and clean and a damn f..king creative idea!! awesome chop mate :o) - oh fav'd of course
Miss SS Miss SS
:D xx
Scrumpy Scrumpy
Great stuff
Granulated Granulated
anfa anfa
Hahaha, cool stuff! :)
j58roldan j58roldan
abraham abraham
nat_g31 nat_g31
You are the man!
dbbowling dbbowling
dragoche dragoche
too good indeed
Tesore Tesore
De eerste klap is een daalder waard ;-) Fantastic!
pollyO pollyO
Martrex Martrex
Trann Trann
I predict, in the not too distant future, a winner...
Govan Govan
Greatt work;-)
Eve Eve
annajon annajon
kinetic_be kinetic_be
Haha, this is a instant fav! Awesome execution along with a funny story. Way to go Sjitske! :D
Goat1981 Goat1981
Hell yeah. Wonderful chop.
ThePec ThePec
congrats, this is outstanding!
wacky S* vote lol ;)
Heinlein Heinlein
All of the Above! Congrats!
UniqueVision UniqueVision
wicked idea and nice execution :)
sirenka sirenka
Designed2522 Designed2522
mikey mikey
greeneyes greeneyes
the best
anabe anabe
fantastic! everything about this is great
Synthvet Synthvet
chopmedo chopmedo
the202 the202
JoePhila JoePhila
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
OMG, I thought I seen it all. Damn Nice!
TheShaman TheShaman
mason4300 mason4300
weird, but cool!
matO matO
damn good
Napalm32 Napalm32
Hey Man?!?!?!? you are 2 votes above my Mate ....grgrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Excellent
hellraiser hellraiser
good one!
Claf Claf
Great! Very creative & well done. One thing... if the details of the source was taking on more importance, that would be even a better chop. Bah... that just my opinion. :)
billtvshow billtvshow
Really weird, yet cool.
dewdew dewdew
O.k...when i first heard the concept i was like..yeah, with this source, sure you are.....I"LL NEVER DOUBT YOU AGAIN. ;p hahaha. Calling on the footphone for back-up. BLUP.BLUP BLUP. One of the most creative pieces i have seen for sure.
rett435 rett435
the burning couch the burning couch
..and you know why I hate this one too?....cause it's sooo friggin good...that's why *! wins
drknotter drknotter
This is great work! I can really see the attention to detail here!
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Stewie4lb Stewie4lb
lots of nice work in this one
nevet nevet
YARN!! great integration as always (:
Serps Serps
:) Very cool work
Janfet Janfet
pakimo pakimo
Fun and intresting chop :-)
gsenthil gsenthil
Luxwiz Luxwiz
fantastic work in all aspects, fav of the comp,winner imho
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
jsut : wow ! ( veel werk en heel, heel goed gemaakt, Sjitske ! ;O)


Sjitske Sjitske comments?....hehe whoops! Aah M good to see a fellow old school gamer ;)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
by the way, this should win by a mile
TheShaman TheShaman
you know... everything about this screams awesome... but one thing in particular just puts it far and above the rest... The Yarn Ball Gun, or YBG as the agents call it... LOL Fav'd
Sjitske Sjitske
THNX Sean ;) And Claude you're absolutely right....but I was happy I produced anything at all with the source HAHA ;)
Claf Claf
Hey... I'm coming back time to time to take a look. Nice details on the door... love the kinda fish hologram, the yarn ball. Great atmosphere & light. Good luck! :)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
oh you are kidding, this sohoud be winning by a mile
Persuader Persuader
it would be a shame, if it doesn't win
Goat1981 Goat1981
How the f-ing hell is this not leading? ....the 'popularity contest' aspect of this site is really annoying sometimes. This is the best image.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
I see you moved from being first to second in this contest. I'm speechless... anyway, good luck.
candron candron
unbelievebel this is not winning with at least 10 votes more?
Sjitske Sjitske
THNX guys for all the nice comments ;)
Persuader Persuader
omg - wow - 2nd place :/ - i think you should sue the community for undervoting your fantastic work :o) - i will be behind u mate :o)
Sjitske Sjitske
Haha THNX persuader ;) As in life you win some you lose some! In any case glad you guys liked it :D
grats on the 2nd ;)
Congrats.. This is damn fine work. 2nd is a great.

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by Sjitske
Created October 21, 2008
64 votes   15 comments
720w x 960h (507KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  20
humor  5
idea  1
theme  2

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