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Photoshop Contest Entry #17584

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Chukn8r Chukn8r
Very good. I already know what my nightmare's gonna be tonight.
joerilla joerilla
nice one scroll
snowman snowman
nicely done
xovlov xovlov
this really sucks!
I mean in a good way
Pelau Pelau
Very nice effect
Chicken Chicken
thbeghin thbeghin
fresh air :-)
evacsoul evacsoul
nice scrols
mezopunk mezopunk the pipe blowing or sucking?....heh-heh.
Dakamus Dakamus
Muy bueno!
occecid occecid
I really like the flow of this.
jasper jasper
bluefist bluefist
Kind of a take on what Chicken was doing...but DEFINITELY more visually stunning than your previous effort.
Looks Good!
Hellekro Hellekro
Very coool!
leif leif
chrispis chrispis
yourmom yourmom
vacuums are fun! no wait...they suck!
jerry717 jerry717
This rules. Tell anonymoo to put a sock in it, ;-)
Obernik Obernik
renes300 renes300
wow...great job


chrispis chrispis
seems a bit like chicken's concept,... but you did a nice job!
scrolbar scrolbar
It's really more like Hellekro's concept. Her's sucks and Chicken's blows! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Reverend scrolbar am I now to infer that the end of the world will ultimately be caused by a cosmic vacuum cleaner? Dog, I think I'm starting to not have a good time...
TheGhost TheGhost
where was this in the W1K frame contest???
scrolbar scrolbar
Dr. Chuk, this is how the world was created!
jerry717 jerry717
WOW! Stephen King's "The Langoleers" Very cool, I'm sure I'll vote later. Great Job.
jan66 jan66
Nice effect
anonymoo anonymoo
suckers ;)

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 [untitled entry]
by scrolbar
Created January 09, 2003
20 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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