Voting has ended, but you can still leave a comment
Don't quit because of other people's votes, its still good to share your work. I agree, I too get pretty frustrated with this site sometimes, when you feel like you did a pretty good piece of work and get 2 votes when others get 30. No offense to th
... vote#07... (x)oul do not care bout vote... (x) just present da best poor bad art when da ideas coming 2 (x) idiot empty head... n let everybody view... enjoy o not - appreciate o not - hate o not - vote o not ... post w da best n post 4 no vote...
Replaced original work wit this one. For days I see gifted artists under voted (not saying that I am one). Couple of people are ruin for everyone by ganging up. They might be talented artists, but they are surely bad persons. I am done with this contest.
No offense to those who get the votes. I vote for good work, not for popularity...although I do admit sometimes forgetting to go back and do more voting. Gotta self reflect a little and go back and do that. Keep chopping my friend.
Seriously? You joined less than a month ago...Dude...! buh-buy
Dude, a month is more than enough to see what’s going on. Except being a smartass, point of your comment is?
when i start joining PSC, i'm also take it very hard for votes. i give up once. but i'm back after that, and now i find PSC is very good area for ppls who like photoshop. cheers :)
by boomboom73
Created November 10, 2011
2 votes
800w x 600h (40KB)
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