OK, Lux. Second look..Shadows cast by tiny background additions are pretty far off. Most notably the yellow and white striped light posts. Seems like most background objects could use a cast shadow update. Would add some depth too!
Chowdah if you look at the source the light source is from the right at 2 or 3 o´clock...that is basically the reference I used for putting in the shadows,yellow and white post shadow = 3 o´clock light source
Annoying? Maybe. But you know I cant let you and Vic win without pointing out the obvious shading issues. I DO dig the "passengers eye view" approach you took... makes the somewhat obvious "birds eye view" less boring and more like a story illustrati
as for depth you gotta realize your looking out the plane´s window,the thick glass tones down and distorts the image somewhat...I have given it some depth by de-focusing around the window´s edge and keeping the further objects in focus
Well, depends... if the top of your composition is 12 O'clock, then shadows are cast at about 7 or 8. those light posts (and other objects in that area) were not updated from the extrenal sources you posted. They were left at 3 Oclock. You'll see it.
I saw that.. nice touch. But I'm talking about how updated shadows on the background light posts, trucks and other equipment (in that area) would add some realistic depth (to that area). Do you see it?
Like i said window edge distortion is nice touch... But, IMO... the right hangar and white parking lot stripe should be effected by window edge thicknes distortion a bit more. The airplane right front and back wings seems to be cut off a bit too abruptly.
If the wings are effected by window distortion to the point of invisibility, why can you still see parking lot texture in this area? Looks like the wings were just erased. Maybe should have given this a bit more thought.
Window edge distortion would probably be overlooked and left out by many. I think it needed to be done.
Recreating the window distortion (seen in ext. Source) with parking lot copy and paste didn't work so well. Hate have gone on and on... and on, about the frigging window distortion. and I'll stop after this next one. But...
When critiquing we tend to go easier on the less experienced so we dont discourage. The opposite should be said for the most experienced as they are pretty much setting the bar and should expect to be held to a high standard.
The easy (vote) button is for pussys. If a member sees a flaw or quality and casts a vote without commenting from time to time... they fail. And leave a critique without a vote?? Well... that's reserved only for those with true grit. You know who you are
it´s an old plane and the window is dirty ;)
That's why the shadows are off in the background?
oh then maybe my glasses are dirty too,I´ll have to clean them,take a closer look and maybe upd. after the comp is over,thanks CHOWDAH :)