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"Stupid Building!" GIF
Stupid Building! GIF

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She@iT She@iT
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Ha! The classical "Out of the box" idea! Funny!
Azionite Azionite
lol! nicely done.
Insomnix Insomnix
... and here is the gif :)
Kinda boring, Lux... butt cant deny credit for the reconstruct behind foot and building.
papavales papavales
Y_chickita_K Y_chickita_K
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
Babagafooch Babagafooch
tilak tilak
vokaris vokaris
Martrex Martrex
seelcraft seelcraft
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lmao simple and fun


She@iT She@iT
You and I are getting critisized for our chops, by a certain person. although we said nothing about his. but the person that did comment on his chop is right.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
destroying the city with fire, bombs, lightning, tsunamis the obvious idea that comes to mind in these kind of chops,to be original you must resist the obvious,CHOWDAH thinks this is boring because he didn´t think of it first plus he cant make gifs
She@iT She@iT
She@iT She@iT
I mean I can't make gifs either, but Im not jealous of your chop
Luxwiz Luxwiz
nothing to do with being jealous...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
he´s just got a clam shell stuck in his bowels and is having a hard time passing it through :)
WTF.. You guys are too much. How this for the obvious? You spent quite some time schooling us on what is and isnt a fairytale. Only thing it was lacking was a unicorn riding a tainbow. Heh heh
And She@it.. you can criticize my CHOP(s) all you want. In fact... please do. If you have something worth while to say, I dont mind. Lets me know that my work is (at least) worth discussing. Try not to take criticism as an attack. Its not my intent.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
of course the unicorn riding the rainbow is there,wouldn´t be totally obvious if it wasn´t,it´s up in the courtyard behind the castle walls,you just can´t see it from this angle 8-D
She@iT She@iT
Luxwiz your previous comment is hilarious. I can't stop laughing.
Ha ha hah... I like the comment too.. but I managed to SHE@IT the clam shells out the other day. Wasnt easy... thanks for your concern, Im all better now though. But you might want to wait a while before you go in there. Maybe light a match or two.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
but high fantasy is not a fairytale it´s heavy shit: the cosmological mythification of the mystical collective subconscious,emanating from the eternal human soul and filtered through the membrane of the individual imagination to manifest in consciousness
Last chance to aite before i paste that into my search bar. Bah hah ha!
She@iT She@iT
Lux what?! Lol. Not sure what that all means, but I like the way it sounds. keep talking.
Let the people decide.
What is your criticism for my CHOP in this contest, she@it?
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
She@iT She@iT
Me nor Lux criticized your chop. You criticized ours. That's what we were commenting about. read my first comment under this chop.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
the difference is in it´s heroic and epic nature
Oh... lord of the rings?? But that was the Harry Potter castle right?
She@iT She@iT
Oh I see Lux say's yours is the obvious thing to do. forgot he wrote that.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
no CHOWDAH ... read the tiltle "Gandalph´s Castle" it´s hidden in plain site...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Joseph Campbell ´s Hero´s Journey is the grand mythology,the common denominator for Epic Tales and LotR and and most high fantasy falls into this paradigm
Well then, she@it. Since you didnt have any criticism or my entry... I guess im waiting for your vote then. I voted for yours, after all. Im waiting...
She@iT She@iT
Lux look who's in the lead. If he had been in the lead earlier, maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to criticize our chops.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
LOL... I´ll show you mine if you show me yours hahaha 8-O
She@iT She@iT
A lot of people vote on other people's chops, and don't get a vote back. I voted on Lux pic. Im not looking for him to vote on mine. You vote on what you like.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
actually I think it is the best of the comp. at least the most work put in execution wise,even though the idea has been overdone to kingdom come as a chop...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
there you go CHOWDAH,you have my opinion,I may scrutinize it deeply and meticulously later but it´s almost bedtime here on the med. coast zzzzzzz /·)
I suppose your right, Lux. But still the obvious as you admited in your own comment. So you must not have a problem with that And since thats the only criticisem you had for me, I guess you plan to vote for mine. Maybe you just forgot. It happens.
If i remember right... i think i voted for yours while we were tied, putting you (she@it) in the lead and tied with Lux. So if either of you wont offer any criticisem, ill have to assume you held back yoyr vote for aelf serving reasons.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
and the plot thickens,ok shhhh let you in on a secret,...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
I "usually"vote the last day,first of all to give latecomers a fair chance and secondly so nobody thinks they owe me a vote if I voted for them,that way people vote for me because they want to not because they feel obliged to
Luxwiz Luxwiz
and thirdly,so everyone will be niice to me or I wont vote for them at all LOLOL however seeing as I am a very fair voter I will usually come through in the end if someone has done a good chop imo,that means a good idea BUT good execution a PRIORITY :)
Sounds like waiting to see who gets what votes to avoid helping someone else win. Nothing more honest and frankly... BRAVE than voting for your true fav chops in the beginning. Waiting till the end is selfish. .
Luxwiz Luxwiz
It may sound like that to you because maybe you have a devious streak in you,but I don´t work that way,take my word for it.I vote honestly....
Luxwiz Luxwiz
brave,selfish WTF it´s only a photshop contest not a bloody war, FFS win or loose what´s the difference,your life is not on the line,just chop again the next day and try again,unless of course you only do a chop every 3 months and each chop is so precious
Luxwiz Luxwiz
"If i remember right... i think i voted for yours while we were tied, putting you (she@it) in the lead and tied with Lux." CHOWDAH now do that at the very end of the comp (which I have done on more than one occasion) and we´re talking brave and unselfis
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
sorry here...
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
and this last one was hard to give up after all the work I put into my chop but his was a funny idea and he got my vote:
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
there are more but this should get the point across... when you do that a few times I may consider you to be a brave and unselfish voter Mr. CHOWDAH :)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
oh I forgot this read the comments in Tawiskaro´s chop
Damn, Lux... its just a photoshop contest... not a bloody war. All I did was express my opinion and give you my vote. Jeeesh
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks I knew you had it in ya... just wondering how long it was gonna take ya to demonstrate yo´re a rational human being ::))

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 "Stupid Building!" GIF
by Luxwiz
Created October 24, 2016
14 votes   52 comments
550w x 413h (388KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  1
execution  0
humor  4
idea  1
theme  0

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