you could use the wood texture to make the letters , just an idea that's not too obvious :)
Im not making anything Lux. My chops were good. People on here didn't like what I said about opening the roof being the obvious idea. There was no thinking in doing that. That why there were only 3 entries. Every that saw pic were planning on opening...
the roof. Now they have they have to think of something different to do.
I meant that's why amd Everyone. Excuse the mistakes. Merry Christmas to you too Lux.
my response to your comments on Charlie's entry,"For Christmas I need a new cell phone mine is crap. I need a new webcam, Crap. I need a new pc controller. These are things I don't expect to pay for",YOU NEED ! do you have food and a roof over your he
this is Toronto a city I lived in for 30 years,one of the most prosperous in the world,imagine how the homeless fare in the poorest cities: youtube.com...
I was kidding Lux. I did put Lol didn't I? I am married...meaning my husband won't buy me what I want. So I have to buy those things myself.
appreciate all the IMPORTANT things that you do have,not desire more silly material things that you don't,feel compassion for the less fortunate and realize that giving is more rewarding than receiving,that is the true spirit of Xmas and my gift to you :
Not sure where you are, but here is 6:47am I probably wrote that around 6:30. Didn't expect a response to soon.
I meant so soon
I photoshop, so if I don't have a good camera or webcam, my pictures don't come out as good. Im not talking about on this site. Im talking about other sites I add pictures to.
Less fortunate? I alway's donate clothes and give money to the Salvation Army. Oh, and food.