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People's Car
People's Car
Announcing the new VW Van for 1937.

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Funny!! Great idea. This is #2 of 4 in the Lego Reich set... am I right? Only need #4 and my daughter will have the full set. Nice Execution.... Get it??? Sieg Heil!
anfa anfa
ck ck
Lynnette0807 Lynnette0807
mason4300 mason4300
seelcraft seelcraft
Osvaldo Osvaldo
YerPalAl YerPalAl


panchocat panchocat
Not funny
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Please dont mix H with my Lego car, even if its humor, or that VW is german and that H was german.
panchocat panchocat
There is nothing funny, unless you are a Nazi sympathizer. FU guys. See, NOBODY CHECKS ANYTHING on this site!.
anfa anfa
Humour is totally subjective. What you find funny, other people might not. Also nothing is out of bounds for humour. I agree with the Matt Stone and Trey Parker philosophy where either everything gets made fun of or nothing does.
anfa anfa
I won with this one.
anfa anfa
And I come 3rd with this one. The joke being that Adolf Eichmann(He played a massive part in the holocaust. He was pure Evil) escaped to Argentina and took up a regular job, which actually happened.
panchocat panchocat
My girfreinds grandmother and grandfather were victims of the Holicost . I'm glad you think it was funny, anfa.
panchocat panchocat
Do all the Wikopedia searches for history lessons you want. It isn't funny to me or the rest of the civilized world that you know nothing about, apparently.
blackfox blackfox
Anfa does, however, know how to spell "holocaust."
anfa anfa
Panchocat, I don't find the holocaust funny at all. It was a terrible part of history. You can poke fun a Nazis, though. Also, the holocaust if you so wish,but the humour in all of the pics her are not poking fun at holocaust victims, but the perpetrator
anfa anfa
panchocat, I know enough about it to know that Adolf Eichmann was a very evil man. He was so obsessed with killing Jews that he defied orders because Hitler wanted it stopped to put the resources into the fight on the eastern front but Eichmann carried on
panchocat panchocat
OK smart ass. He's a racist that has spell check. I guess that is fine with you. I might not know how to spell, but I know history and I'm sorry that some people don't understand or care, because it's just a joke to them. Is my spelling OK Grampa?
The only thing offensive about this CHOP is that panchocat is using his (Canadian)"GIRLFRIENDS" grandparents who were apparently victims of the Holocaust to start shit over something that is not meant to be offenaive. All I see here are facts.
panchocat panchocat
anfa, He killed my girfriends Grandparents. Isn't that enough? OK your buddy Hitler wanted to stop it, sure. Whatever you think
Is this offensive too?? [img]
blackfox blackfox
Racism was a tiny part of the Nazi brutality set upon the world. Many, many Germans died at the hand of their Chancellor as well and not just soldiers. The Führer, at the end, decided that German were not fit for his Reich and left his own people to die
Interesting Blackfox never really thought of it that way. Well said.
Panchocat... how bout this... This offensive too? [img]
panchocat panchocat
Yeah itsCHOWDAH maybe I am offensive. I guess I would rather be offensive than to say that the Holocaust was a joke. Sorry if that offends you. PS: Canadian? She was born in California. Apparently ? FU
panchocat panchocat
I don't get your point Blackfox. Are you saying that it was alright to kill all those bad Jewish people because they killed some Germans too? That is what I heard.
What kind of artist complains about anothers offensive art?? The failed ones... like Hitler.
Don't be dumb, panchocat. FAKE girlfriends are ALLWAYS from Canada.
panchocat panchocat
FU CHOWDAH Your profile GIF looks like your chocking your chicken. I don't have too I HAVE a real girlfriend.
And don't be like Hitler either... leave censorship to the Nazis.
Chocking my Chicken??? Why would I do that? So my COCK doesn't roll away? Ha ha.. get it, everyone?? He said chicken... ha ha... and I said COCK !!!... bah hahh hah!!! Oh man, I slay me. Good times, good times... hmmmm
Now I can go on ripping you and your up all night long, Pancho... or you can go ahead and appologize to everyone involved fpr trying to censor us... and also for making up a canadian girlfriend. Your choice.
ShootHerman ShootHerman
I dont care what have been written under this image. I still have the same meanining. I think Its very strange that this image got so many votes compared to the other images when you see the ext:
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Correct link: [img]
Simple CHOP? YES... But Hitler always did have a way with drawing crowds. "Controversy is Bad." Said no artist. Well, none that I remember.
People may vote simply to show support for something controversial. If not, we may soon be burning books with panchocat and his Canadian girlfriend. Fact is.. its a smart chop. So I voted.
anfa anfa
Cheers for the link ShootHerman. There's not as much work gone into this as I previously thought. I still find the thought of a Lego Hitler funny, though.
anfa anfa
panchocat, I'm not a racist. You shouldn't insult people with accusations like that.
Wait a minute... lux lived in Canada. He would definitely know panchos girlfriend... if she actually exists. Maybe he can put this "girlfriend" rumor to rest once and for all.
mason4300 mason4300
ShootHerman, I only voted for it due to Panchocat's insufferable, inane moaning. Perhaps others did as well.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
OK, I am going to weigh in on this. Its satire, NOT a political statement. Hitler WAS involved in the debut of the VW bug and this is a funny and well done chop and deserves votes. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Hell, I did a chop that included nazis. Is THIS offensive?
YerPalAl YerPalAl
And since you are so damned sensitive abut this let me suggest something. If we edit out any mention of Hitler and the nazis, how would future generations learn about the abomination that engulfed Germany in the 30s and 40s?
Muggins Muggins
Just to clarify Hitler was Austrian. The historical connection is sound. Just remember the connections others had with Hitler, like Hugo Boss, Porche, Audi, BMW etc Should we look away when we see these famouse brands?
blackfox blackfox
Hitler also like soup. . .just sayin'.
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Yerpalal. You got a meaning and I got a meaning. And its unnecessary to make that symbol so big. And you write that this is a well done chop?!?! Nope. Its not. Its an external with 2% source, not even coloradjusted to the source.
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Regarding your link to your chop yerpalal: the symbol is tiny and you have used some time to make that chop. Its a big difference regarding this chop.
shootHERMAN... you voted for this pc of shit CHOP without complaint. And it looks like there was even less original used... IF ANY.
blackfox blackfox
LOL. . . you amateurs. . . big smile here.

 Lego VW Van
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 People's Car
by blackfox
Created July 12, 2017
8 votes   43 comments
1280w x 960h (79KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  1
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