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Nothing stops them until they park in the snow and put a "for sale" sign on it apparently... also... Arial Black and Times New Roman make up a very nice FedEx logo rather than cutting and pasting poor quality ones...
Ah, dewking, always putting everyone down. Keep up the good work.
Oh BTW, ofcourse it's possible that he already hit the guy and that he took a break and the guy is still slammed against his truck, and it isn't illegal to drive around with a 'For sale' sing.
not putting everyone down... just those that shoulndt be using the program... hey, at least i had a suggestion on the text...
oh and it IS illegal to drive with a "for sale" SIGN when its blocking the drivers sight line...
Posted: 4-17-03 @ 2:28 PM » By: senne Oh BTW, ofcourse it's possible that he already hit the guy and that he took a break Well, if that's true, then why does the text on your pic say, "We let nothing stop us" I would think that ta
senne, keep tryin! some of these guys get a little cranky is all. I thought it was a good idea but maybe you could have spent a little more time and love with it. And don't be a wiseguy!
Great idea but the edges on the guy are really rough, he's too small, his color needs to be adjusted.
The reason the adges are so rough is becaus i had to resize it twice and the color got a victim of it to, but all that matters is that it's funny, it's not always about how it looks, I'm just trying to have a good time here. I don't want to be putted down
I'm just a beginner, it doen't have to make sense at all (that's my opinion, you guy can think what you want)
We're not putting you down we're giving you advice. It is funny but if you want to get votes, it needs to be done well too.
It is a fact that this one has been dun really fast, but thats becaus I first made the Matrix one, that's mine too. I had another idea (this one). So I quiqly made it (I hadn't have many time anymore, you see the time zone is different in Europe, so by th
[untitled entry]
by Senne
Created April 17, 2003
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