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Photoshop Contest Entry #30362

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Chicken Chicken
hahahahaha!! I went to this bar one night and I got there a little late because I had to do laundry. If you get to this bar late you are totally bummin' because the only available seat at the bar is between these two retards, Darcie and Matt. They’re not really retarded, they are actually really nice people who were both involved in accidents that totally messed them up, but when they drink on top of that, it can really get ugly. So I’m sitting between these two retards, Darcie on my right, and Matt on my left, and they start talking to me at the same time in a drunken dialect that is almost unrecognizable, which totally drives me freaken nuts. So I tell them, “One at a time please.” and Matt starts talking about the new U.S. quarters he's collecting while Darcie sits quietly chewing on a straw. Matt is listing off all the states he has collected, “There is Delaware, Massachusetts, Georgia, Massachusetts….did I already say Massachusetts? Let me start again…there is Delaware, Massachusetts, Georgia..." this goes on for about 15 minutes, so I look over at Darcie who’s still chewing on that straw, when she opens her mouth to say something and that straw she is chewing on (the one that is now full of retard spit) flings out of her mouth and sprays me across the face like I was sitting in the first row at a freak'n Shamu show…I went home and took a 2 hour shower in scalding hot water and scrubbed myself raw with steel wool. I got rid of the heebies, but I can't shake the jeebies...
mezopunk mezopunk
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA! by god - the similarities are UNCANNY!!! (did i just say 'uncanny'?!?)
blackfox blackfox
I couldn't tell the difference.
Basil Basil
damn it
ironmc43 ironmc43
that's really funny and yes basil does look like saget
afnan afnan
hahahahahahaha ok mozub this vote is for u not for ur husband hehehehehe ;)
volkswes volkswes
splodge splodge
one for the thumb
nancers nancers
16ozBud 16ozBud
The MoZubvote
Chukn8r Chukn8r


Chicken Chicken
How did you do that Mo? Thumbnail of Basil, but Saget pic?
MoZub MoZub
view in thumbnails 1st! :)
MoZub MoZub
save load and post the thumbnail first then save over the file on your host. they have the be the same width and height or the image will streach
Chicken Chicken
????Whozeewhatsit???? Explain it like I'm 3!!!
MoZub MoZub
The thumbnail is basil, my husband, who also posts here... and seams to be beating me a lot lately. He happens to look like bob saget (according to mezo and others)... its a "gotcha!!" on Basil :)
Chicken Chicken
You TURD! I Meant the thumbnail/pic!!!!
Chicken Chicken
I'm the one that coined him Saget!!! :)
MoZub MoZub
I didnt read the names (when you commented) doh.. sorry!! find me in discussion and I'll explain
afnan afnan
did i see basils pic ??? @@
MoZub MoZub
lol afnan ;p
Basil Basil
damn it youll beat me today :( sad thing is your beating me with me
MoZub MoZub
that sounds kinky!!!! :D

Hello??? zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by MoZub
Created July 17, 2003
11 votes   12 comments
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