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Photoshop Contest Entry #30537

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Curran Curran
i LOVE the fire, but the lighter is kinda erking, but its looks awesome
nancers nancers
baaaaaad chicken
Jofcar Jofcar
Let's cut his head off and make a McChicken for revenge :D... well done :)
scrolbar scrolbar
tee hee hee, don't listen to Curran, He's Canadian!
blackfox blackfox
damn chickens. . . is this how they protest KFC?
bluevet bluevet
mealworm mealworm
Great job
occecid occecid
Nice smoke, nice fire, funny idea, love the PJs
Chukn8r Chukn8r
She's not wearing underwear, is she?
Hellekro Hellekro
The rooster did it:-O
metalic metalic
jasper jasper
freakin fantastic - you found a kick ass photo of the couple. I am actually thinking it would do even better as a sappy one without the chicken and lighter. If I could vote with stars ... well hell, I give this five.
chrispis chrispis
great idea,... would have been nice, if the chicken was much closer, to create more depth and actiom
L@rue L@rue
DoctorWu DoctorWu
illnic illnic
very nice
Basil Basil
Nidan Nidan
I think these 2 pyromaniacs were having a romantic moment, why else would they be wearing pyama's in broad daylight :p
I too prefer no lighter, but I understand that humor often wins here.
coldhead coldhead
thecount thecount
...nice. I'd also like it if there wasn't the naked woman in the bushes. ..oh and bigfoot, you need to sharpen Sasquatch's edges. ...too much feathering and not enough tarring. :)
volkswes volkswes
Nice fire
16ozBud 16ozBud
The ROOF! The ROOF! The ROOF is on fire!
yourmom yourmom
that rooster! what a cock!
xovlov xovlov
damn chicken
bluefist bluefist the fricken chicken is gonna have MATCHES......I mean, really. ;-)


cooly cooly
Who is that, Hugh Hefner? Why are they wearing pajamas in the middle of the day, he he?

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by kencd7
Created July 19, 2003
26 votes   1 comments
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