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Photoshop Contest Entry #32284

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base-zum base-zum
You got my Vote here, love comics :)
volkswes volkswes
looks good
MoZub MoZub
ah I'm always looking for apost where fantasy art (which Ilove) would be appropriate. Good call here!
bluefist bluefist
OooooOOOooooh, good matching.
chrispis chrispis
cool jerry
togsed togsed
good one!
Jofcar Jofcar
very cool :D
Hellekro Hellekro
nancers nancers
kewl, as always perfect matching...
dewking dewking
Remember that 80's show... called Real People? or, how about THATS INCREDIBLE?... in any case, you would fit in on either show with this post...
crzydave crzydave
cool, different
illnic illnic
very nice
sonnysan sonnysan
spackler spackler
great blend
splodge splodge
lithoman lithoman
nice blend of art work
occecid occecid
I was going to do a critique on this, but what can I say when it's perfect. You even improved the source pic.
GForce GForce
fluados fluados
alzeke alzeke
mmm, chicks with spears
queen0fbats queen0fbats
skillet skillet
plug plug
Chopper Chopper
Basil Basil
best of the day imho
Zman Zman
Fantasy Art...nice job
yourmom yourmom
britney speared?
Obernik Obernik
edesigns edesigns
jerry... this is outstanding! You did very well with all aspects of this pic, as always, I am impressed.
scrolbar scrolbar


RobzQ RobzQ
Very nice!
obscured obscured
pretty sweet
jerico jerico
I know that's Sturm Brightblade on the ground, but I forget who the woman's one of Larry Elmore's illustrations for the Dragon Lance Chronicles. I loved that series when I was a kid.
jerry717 jerry717
Righto jerico...this is a link to the original source pic [img]
suraimu suraimu
Goldmoon. Excellent! :)
Basil Basil
i wish I could vote again
Jofcar Jofcar
i agree with Basil ;)

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 [untitled entry]
by jerry717
Created June 14, 2005
31 votes   7 comments
550w x 545h (74KB)

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