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Photoshop Contest Entry #32488

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Zetape Zetape
Oops! The card got a bit wet...
Basil Basil
HOW TO AVOID ALIEN ABDUCTION------ Emergency Anti-Abduction Procedures - Do not question why or how, just do them! You may be able to stop further abduction! Don't argue! Just do as many of these as you can! ... Leave bright light on; in your room, hallway, and other rooms where Children or others sleep. Or everybody sleep in same room. If you have a UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) for use with computers, plug the lamp into that. (In case abductions include power disruption) Hurry and buy or rustle up fast, before tonight, some kind of warning buzzer that will alarm you if the power goes off. If you have floor fans and/or table fans, bring them into your room and turn them all on, air-stream directed away from you of course. It would be great if one or more fan could be plugged into a UPS. Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries beside you in bed (sleep with it!). If you have an attic fan, turn it on. Spread salt all around your bed; surround it entirely. If you have access or can buy quickly (by tonight) the essence of an herb called Yarrow (achillea millefolium), spread it around your bed-room. If nobody is pregnant in your house, also buy essence of an herb called pennyroyal (hedeoma pulegioides) and spread it around your bed-room. Sleep with iron bars nearby or preferably, next to you. A crucifix made of iron would be good too. Additionally If you believe in God or Allah or other Spiritual beings... Pray to God, earnest prayer, to stop the abduction. Get quiet, clear your mind and pray in a room by yourself to God who is unseen. You could also pray to an Angel, like St. Michael Sleep with a Bible or Quran next to you. Sleep with a big picture of Jesus seemingly watching over you. [Something like the "Sacred Heart" would be great!] After laying down to bed, go ahead and close your eyes then visualize: A source of White Light, coming from the heavens and concentrating, like funnelling, into the top of your head. Direct (imagine) the White Light filling your head, proceeding into your neck, into your shoulders, down your arms into your hands and fingers. Then direct the White Light down your torso, into your legs, and on into your feet and toes. Then "over-fill" and push the White Light outward. Finish up by picturing yourself surrounded by a cocoon of White Light the surface of which is a few inches out from any spot on your body. Keep this in mind: The beings doing the abduction are deep in sin, and you have a God-Given right, an Inalienable Right, to be left alone. ASSERT IT!!! If all else fails, or you fail to implement the above in time and end up abducted, retain this bit of knowledge and use the procedure below... When you are abducted, it is your energy-body that is taken, not your physical. This is similar to out-of-body projection except that it is forced. Out of body travelers get back simply by thinking "Go physical, now" or "Return to physical body" or similar. Return is always instant... If you find yourself in the middle of an abduction, remember above then think (say if you can) forcefully to yourself (not them; you don't care about them) with all the conviction you ever have mustered: "IN THE NAME OF GOD, CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT, I DEMAND IN MY PHYSICAL BODY!!! NOW!!!" The abductors (the greys, Nordics or whatever) may respond with "We don't care about your God! Resistance is useless!" or something like that. You could retort, "Aw shaddup! Who asked you!?" Be MEAN! Be a bad-ass mother-****! But anyway, best to just IGNORE THEM! No matter what they say or what kind of high-pitched noise they make; continue saying it or thinking it to the exclusion of everything else until it works. Say it ten times, a hundred times, a THOUSAND TIMES! DEMAND IT!!!
kritsos kritsos
i like the idea but the wind effect is not really good


base-zum base-zum
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Basil..your right, I did all that but my aluminum pyrimid cap slid off, and well we all know what happen then, now I'm good and am sleeping with all the protection that I can muster with my 1000 strong etherical warrior spirit clones that I have conjured

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by DoctorWu
Created August 07, 2003
3 votes   2 comments
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