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Photoshop Contest Entry #38097

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metalic metalic
good illustration!
volkswes volkswes
pickle pickle
wetting myself. brilliant
ironmc43 ironmc43
bluefist bluefist
Woolrich vote.
MoZub MoZub
mezopunk mezopunk
this is BAAAAAA-D ass!
Christiansen Christiansen
*=J=* *=J=*
Bloody Awesome
Janitor Janitor
fluados fluados
this must have taken a lot of time. very well done. nice lence effect you made
DLowrie DLowrie
Zetape Zetape
occecid occecid
scatterd scatterd
spackler spackler
thbeghin thbeghin
best today, no doubt!
base-zum base-zum
queen0fbats queen0fbats
what can i say?
anteater anteater
Not bad.
PotHed PotHed
quite possibly the most retarded thing i've ever seen
ozzatari ozzatari
woolson brand balls! hahaha
Basil Basil
illnic illnic
hahahaha, I hope this wins
Showcase Showcase
rytec rytec
nancers nancers
The logo is the best...
alzeke alzeke
woolson? great
dewking dewking
navdog navdog
I'll second everything that was said above. :)
Yoma Yoma
anonymoo anonymoo
although you put a crappy mac button on the thumbnail, i will vote for this since it's good and all. ;)
Golfer Golfer
Olieng Olieng
Eye hole looks like you crispis HEHEHEHEHHEE!!
Obernik Obernik
SpazZ SpazZ
crh131 crh131
Hellekro Hellekro
jerry717 jerry717
That's great!
togsed togsed
this is great!
CodeHead1101 CodeHead1101
I like it.
G2 G2
great idea, good execution - almost perfect (the shadow on the ball is not correct)


GladHand GladHand
Not bad. Not good. Not worth a vote.
chrispis chrispis
hehehe retarded,.... maybe I should have included corky thatcher, and made a special olympics pic :)
Obernik Obernik
totally awesome
*=J=* *=J=*
This didnt have some hidden message about the 80 000 sheep left to die on Australia's Coastline did it???
kritsos kritsos
i like the "woolson" ball

 B-Ball Time
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 [untitled entry]
by chrispis
Created October 02, 2003
43 votes   5 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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