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Photoshop Contest Entry #39111

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tcrkay tcrkay
don't mess with him... he knows origami
base-zum base-zum
origami bob the folder
nancers nancers
Did you make that yourself?
Basil Basil
Goooo "author" your kicking ass lately
flyman flyman
just the birds head and neck then today
Velma Velma
very cool
MoZub MoZub
Yage Yage
ironmc43 ironmc43
queen0fbats queen0fbats
jerry717 jerry717
LumiaLuna LumiaLuna
Neeth Neeth
vote for artwork.
*=J=* *=J=*
Great reflection
Rondo Rondo
oragami vote
leif leif
batichan batichan
illnic illnic
very nice
splodge splodge
zubo zubo
Curran Curran
ack, i hate brilliance
chrispis chrispis
cool,... a fellow shadow-painter! ;)
fluados fluados
Zetape Zetape
sundae sundae
the202 the202
looks great
P@u P@u
origamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... my grandma used to do it... =)
brodiss brodiss
Skill plus
occecid occecid
pamelo pamelo
pshene pshene
Stag Stag
what is the shape supposed to be?
scrolbar scrolbar
You have succeeded in creating chicken salad from chicken droppings! Bravo!


denon denon
drop shadow whould finish the job imho
metalic metalic
I never trust in drop shadow filter, It's all airbrush, may be I should try drop shadow next time... ;)
Stag Stag
is it a swan?

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 [untitled entry]
by metalic
Created October 16, 2003
34 votes   3 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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