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Photoshop Contest Entry #40032

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fluados fluados
nice presentation
Basil Basil
Great job.. now get your ass up beside my post
tcrkay tcrkay
flyman flyman
Loubiz Loubiz
Kick Ass execution
ironmc43 ironmc43
listen2WEEN listen2WEEN
i give to you a vote, you have done good.
bootsie bootsie
MoZub MoZub
ripclaw ripclaw
Zetape Zetape
base-zum base-zum
well done
leif leif
scrolbar scrolbar
bluefist bluefist
Magnificent piece....great effort shown here.
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
sundae sundae
super !
Chopper Chopper
Good job.
mattbach mattbach
nice job
ManyJars ManyJars
Nice work
queen0fbats queen0fbats
all reflections seem right to me ... but then, i am an amateur
PotHed PotHed
Bryan... Bryan...
please read long question
Showcase Showcase
Wett Wett
KaiLeCreator KaiLeCreator
daintydevil daintydevil
Yage Yage
pshene pshene
Criminy''s stuff like this that makes me not even wanna try KNOW that, right? ;)
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Damn your good... I envy your skills; makes me wanna 'Chrispis(s)' all over them! ;)
Obernik Obernik
you don't belong here... You're too good ;)
brodiss brodiss
chrispis chrispis
great!!! I want to be like you ;)
thbeghin thbeghin
vpp!!!!!!!! :-)
nancers nancers
Cool beans ; )
G2 G2
great job
Christiansen Christiansen
Keep up the good work/ This is great / You have raised the bar of standards with this post
sonnysan sonnysan
pamelo pamelo


heyyou heyyou
Okay I think I was fast, but I just got the picture about 3 min. ago. Are there a different timezone here?
Obernik Obernik
upper right corner... advantage
Fig Fig
...nope. He has Advantage. You pay a few bucks a month to see all PSC images five days early.
Fig Fig
Maybe...bend out the reflection on the curved surfaces of the barbel.
metalic metalic
sorry I'm not sure what you said, could you please explain more.
Fig Fig
The two things form an X, kinda. In the lower right leg of the X...the reflections don't seem right.
metalic metalic
metalic metalic
ok... refresh!
occecid occecid
Great metalic look. Great reflection too.
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
how was this effect achieved ??
togsed togsed
Red X?
Rondo Rondo
Bryan... Bryan...
did you have to use another source to get the mettalic look for the weights?
Bryan... Bryan...
upon closer inspection, I dont see much of the source
metalic metalic
It's some of the real silver metal as a reference but need a lot of airbrush work on top to control light and reflection direction, also need some blending layer option.
Loubiz Loubiz
I would like a tutorial about how did you do this work.
Basil Basil
Please for the love of god IM me and give me an idea on the method too... I'm guessing you peiced together metal and blended.. and yes that would take 5 hours
Loubiz Loubiz
Seeing it again i think the reflection of the extremes into the floor should show what is reflected on it too like a mirror in front another mirror, with that detail the effect would be perfect.
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
...Er...well OK, so I made a huge mistake there. You're NOT Chrispis ( But it still makes me wanna Chrispis(s) all over your skills (so they get all rusty ;) and stuff).
metalic metalic
LOL.... don't worry, I want to be Chripis too ;)

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 [untitled entry]
by metalic
Created October 29, 2003
41 votes   20 comments
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