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Photoshop Contest Entry #43718

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kbgirl kbgirl
RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr.....subtility..........great job matey
Wett Wett
Prescott Prescott
Oops, I meant an inside-the-skull vote :P
jasper jasper
superb ;)
base-zum base-zum
smalle EE vote
GuAnita GuAnita
Rondo Rondo
Basil Basil
daintydevil daintydevil
ReinMan ReinMan
Cool Point Of View vote
MoZub MoZub
sundae sundae
lockfist lockfist
pshene pshene
I love this one!
splodge splodge
occecid occecid
bluefist bluefist
Muy deliciouoso....or somethin'. ;-)
nyxxie nyxxie
DoctorWu DoctorWu
Yes to POV
Obernik Obernik
great thinking
kinetic_be kinetic_be
chrispis chrispis
nice one
KaBooM KaBooM
The Goonies Vote!
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Hellekro Hellekro
sonnysan sonnysan
Piracy vote. The idea is realy good and appropriate !
nancers nancers
Very original.
fluados fluados
well done and a grand new year to you :)
Macha Macha
rytec rytec
the202 the202
Nice work!
leif leif


Prescott Prescott
Good inside-the-skull thinking
PocketWater PocketWater
Tyler Tyler
would be even cooler with light shining through those holes.
Square Square
It would have been innacurate for me to include light shining through the opening. There was none in the original.
chrispis chrispis
that there was none in the original isn't really a good argument,... my intention is to make a good looking image whether it's close to the original or not.
Square Square
I'm not comfortable enough with my talent to deviate from the original lighting perspective. All in due time. :-)
ReinMan ReinMan
ARRRrrRRr, ye scallywags leave th' Author alone! Or I'll cut yer gibblets out! ARRRrrr aaAAArrRR!! - Pirate Pete

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 [untitled entry]
by Square
Created May 17, 2005
33 votes   7 comments
529w x 461h (39KB)

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