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Photoshop Contest Entry #44369

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Prescott Prescott
Rondo Rondo
nancers nancers
That's just plain silly!
L@rue L@rue
:) Great job
sonnysan sonnysan
~Esther ~Esther
kinetic_be kinetic_be
haha, funny :)
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
Now you're just showing off aint ya !!?? ;)
Wett Wett
ScionShade ScionShade
Forget the not voting gifs,I'm gonna vote what I I I like from now on--forget the occasional bad crops and blurry edges and things that look just pasted-If I like it I am voting it and I LIKE THIS,I am so glad the kid pops up and winks, :-)
chrispis chrispis
I like this, so I DO vote for it! All those comments about not voting for gifs is plain stupid,... when you give a comment like that it isn't very respectable to the creator,... just don't comment or do you comment on all the pics you don't wnt to vote for,... I suppose not.
Chopper Chopper
I wasn't gonna vote for this, but now I am because of the comments about not voting for gifs based on principal. Consider this vote I'm placing here to be the vote of the one who doesn't vote for gifs.
It looks like a 540° to disaster!
KaBooM KaBooM
Vote for a fellow gif-inator!
pshene pshene
The falling baby is blonde and the winking baby is a redhead. So this animation clearly only incites our world's babies to senseless and wanton violence. As for it being a "GIF", I don't see what peanut butter has to do with anything....accordionly, you get one vote...
queen0fbats queen0fbats
PotHed PotHed
I get tired of the "I don't vote for GIFs" comments too. If you're willing to take the time to comment, just vote for it (if you like it). Commentor was right about the "dont now how to do it" thing. Some people feel inferior, and those people are bitches
Chukn8r Chukn8r
base-zum base-zum
splodge splodge
DLowrie DLowrie
Good for a GIF
MoZub MoZub
ha... ooooookay...
batichan batichan
great and awesome work!!!
DoctorWu DoctorWu
I like the flying saucer better, but the Potemkin touch is nice too


ReinMan ReinMan
Its a pretty big GIF - sorry dial-up folk :(
anmazondi anmazondi
nothing is nothing,no vote
ReinMan ReinMan
Anmazondi, do we have ta go over this again?
vycadin vycadin
best GIF I've seen on here. nice one
Super Super
Very artistic.
ScionShade ScionShade
Excellent job.Sorry I don't vote gifs.
ScionShade ScionShade
chrispis chrispis
"Sorry I don't vote gifs"??? what the hell is that suppose to mean? Cause you don't know how to do it by your own? Don't be so principal,... this is nice work!
ReinMan ReinMan
To be fair, the person who said "I don't vote for GIFS" is voter #10. It is good to see that us artistic types can learn and grow. For what it is worth I started this 1 hour after the source was posted. I ignored the ADVANTAGE pre-post to see what I cou
Baskin Baskin
hehe pretty clever, gotta say :D
pshene pshene
I keep coming back an looking at it again, once in a while....this is funny and very well done. :)
ScionShade ScionShade
Yeah I keep coming back too,hehe
ReinMan ReinMan
Yeah, he started out with blond hair, but after bashing his head a number of time on the pavement it has strangely turned red. OR... It ain't the same baby... such a mystery!!! :)

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 [untitled entry]
by ReinMan
Created January 10, 2004
24 votes   13 comments
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