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Photoshop Contest Entry #45763

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betdoval betdoval
perfect, beautiful, well done! ;)
SugarJunkie SugarJunkie
Very well done
queen0fbats queen0fbats
tyblubearboy tyblubearboy
pretty good :)
base-zum base-zum
L@rue L@rue
I like the color effect
nyxxie nyxxie
I completely agree that this is better than anyone elses!!!!!!!!! Why isn't this in first place I don't know. Good job!!
jms20x6 jms20x6
Wow, very nice work.
jerry717 jerry717
This is good!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
pshene pshene
I like what you did here. Very good.
ReinMan ReinMan
deshone deshone
very nice
chrispis chrispis
Very attractive pic,... nice atmosphere,... cloning of the left tree could have been somewhat better though
Obernik Obernik
great, love it
Frenz Frenz
kinetic_be kinetic_be
txpinky txpinky
ScionShade ScionShade
Difficult source,nice job
HandToolUK HandToolUK
Agree with most of the comments so far. The bridge arches look a bit off to me, but overall, a great pic!
nancers nancers
G2 G2
looks good! btw: the mirrored housepart causes mismated shadows
occecid occecid
Great composition
sonnysan sonnysan
nikiS nikiS
i wanted to do the same thing, but you workt it out. Exellent
DLowrie DLowrie
marilyn marilyn
nice work !!!
fzwarkatootl fzwarkatootl
I like the erie yellow light.
splodge splodge
Showcase Showcase
Arthoo Arthoo
can´t resist this one...
metalic metalic


mindfeeder mindfeeder
this is way better than other contestents so far! good blending, nice colours, if I could vote, it would go to you
billtvshow billtvshow
this should be movin on up, just like the jeffersons cause it flat out rocks the competition

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 [untitled entry]
by Benito
Created February 01, 2004
32 votes   2 comments
w x h (8,628KB)

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