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Photoshop Contest Entry #48254

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deshone deshone
honour vote ... you should only desaturate my water to fit it better with the other water ...
Rondo Rondo
theiving, unoriginal waiting for this guy to be legal cuz he is cute but called me mommy and that freaked me out, i forgot to click teh vote radial button TWICE vote
laurent24 laurent24
bla bla bla btw guinness is bad beer BELGIUM BEER IS THE BEST BEER example:


paradoxia paradoxia
scrolbar scrolbar
Using other people's posts is generally considered theft. (Not to mention that it shows a great lack of creativity.) You should at least give some credit to the202.
paradoxia paradoxia
true. thank you 202, you see though, i didnt mean to steal, this was part 4 of the series, (there have been 3 other parts to the whole guiness beer in the water thing) so i decided to continue it. but other than the theft, good photoshopping maybe? please
paradoxia paradoxia
ok, let me clear this up, this post wasnt because of lack of originality, or because of wanting to be lazy and just steal someone elses post, this post was because there have been a few 'continuations' to the202's first guinnes in the water post, i beleiv
deshone deshone
i'm honoured u used one of mine 2 ... like the continueing idea ...
paradoxia paradoxia
d1, i loved your post, i think i said something about it being beautiful, why dont you vote?
paradoxia paradoxia
done voter #1. :) thanks.
deshone deshone
now tell all your friends to vote for mine ;)
paradoxia paradoxia
you need 3 more huh, too bad i already voted. :(
deshone deshone
hhahaha but maybe it's a good idea not to mention my name in this post ... just for good competition ... you can after the other has ended ...
paradoxia paradoxia
yes sir
Rondo Rondo
theiving, iunorifinal waiting for this guy to be legal cus he is cute but called me mommy and that freaked me out vote
Rondo Rondo
theiving, unoriginal waiting for this guy to be legal cuz he is cute but called me mommy and that freaked me out, i forgot to click teh vote radial button vote
BxNapkiN BxNapkiN
am i too tired or is the left hand became a right hand? ;o)
paradoxia paradoxia
LOL! good observation...oh well, no one is voting anyways...
Chopper Chopper
Using other's pics has been frowned upon since this site has begun. Unless you got permission from the202, I would put in a request to hav ethe image pulled. Using other peole's post in your own is a sure way to spark anger form other posters. If this doe
paradoxia paradoxia
maybe you guys, and me, are taking it too seriously, im not taking credit for the image, in no way, have you guys not seen how other people have continued his post with others? yes they used their own images, but i just loved that one so much, it was hard

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 [untitled entry]
by paradoxia
Created March 07, 2004
3 votes   17 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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