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Up Or Down?
Up Or Down?
"Up Or Down?"

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styson styson
Simple, but effective, making the sign into wood is a real nice touch.
occecid occecid
This is very cool. Great idea vote.
ironmc43 ironmc43
i like it
jerico jerico
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Jebus vote
base-zum base-zum
love jebus ;)
gpowell gpowell
good use of the sign. one just has to answer now.
Rondo Rondo
anonymoo anonymoo
going down...
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
queen0fbats queen0fbats
txpinky txpinky
Square Square


styson styson
Not that it was simple to chop, just that it was a good simple twist by turning it sideways.
Fugue Fugue
Good-Friday vote. ...If this is one of Jesus' good days, hate to see him on a bad one.
nekro nekro
and what's the use of this sign on the scene??? i don't get it
billtvshow billtvshow
C#3, are you serious?
PocketWater PocketWater
commentor #3 you dont get it they crucified the sign as well. its like duh :P
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
I find this more offensive than the pulled woman's panty hose. Mods, please delete this pic.
billtvshow billtvshow
a mod voted for it already
Actually, it's pritty good: Look at the arrow --> Light side is above (heaven), and dark side is below (hell). But one question: how can you bow your ellbows when you're hanging?
billtvshow billtvshow
how can you bow your ellbows when you're hanging? I don't know, but he can.
fzwarkatoodl fzwarkatoodl
how can you bow your ellbows when you're hanging?: he's not hanging... he was nailed there.
AtHeaMo AtHeaMo
Then I find that mod offensive too!... BTW, I was only kidding about finding your pic offensive; some recent threads on the message board inspired me to make that remark. ;-)
billtvshow billtvshow
Oh ok, ha, stirrin up some controversy eh? I was just doin that myself the other day. ;)
geekdiggy geekdiggy
why do people always gotta start shit at the mere suggestion of religion? get a fuckin life people and stop criticising good work

 Mountain Sign
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 Up Or Down?
by billtvshow
Created March 12, 2004
13 votes   13 comments
550w x 413h (55KB)

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